1716.split the cost(費用を折半する )
We split the cost.
1717.let's say(例えば~したとすれば、仮に~したとして)
Let's say it doesn't work out, it doesn't have to be a total waste.
1718.bill and coo (恋人同志が愛をささやく、いちゃつく)
They billed and cooed and trilled out love duets for a CD.
1719.only time will tell (時間が経てば自ずと答えは分かる、しばらく様子を見よう)
They expect to find a cure for the illness, but only time will tell if they are right.
We will have to sell the remaining stock dirt-cheep to make way for the new models.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

We split the cost.
1717.let's say(例えば~したとすれば、仮に~したとして)
Let's say it doesn't work out, it doesn't have to be a total waste.
1718.bill and coo (恋人同志が愛をささやく、いちゃつく)
They billed and cooed and trilled out love duets for a CD.
1719.only time will tell (時間が経てば自ずと答えは分かる、しばらく様子を見よう)
They expect to find a cure for the illness, but only time will tell if they are right.
We will have to sell the remaining stock dirt-cheep to make way for the new models.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News