20621.Do you want me to(◯◯しましょうか?) Do you want me to pick you up?
20622.Would you like me to(◯◯しましょうか?より丁寧) Would you like me to have him call you back?
20623.Let’s(~しましょう) Let’s go shopping.
20624.Why don’t we(一緒に)◯◯をしませんか?) Why don’t we go for a drink?
Don't worry. He may look intimidating at first glance but he's actually a very friendly person.
20616.I miss the (xxxxx) days(◯◯(の日々)が懐かしいな〜) I miss the college days.
20617.~Reminds me of(~が___を思い出させる)
This song reminds me of my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.
20618.Brings back memories(この写真懐かしいな~)
This picture brings back memories.
20619.Good old days(あの頃は良かった)
Those were the good old days.
Why do you keep buying cheap furniture? Buy something that will last.
I had high hopes for that movie but it was a letdown.
20612.time of day(時間帯)
Why do you always call me at the busiest time of day?
20613.It depends(~による)
I want to go with you guys but it depends on time.
That was a fabulous performance. You are really talented!
Many of Haruki Murakami’s novels are intricate.
20606.That was not my intention(そんなつもりではありませんでした) That was not my intention.
20607.fall for(~を好きになる、夢中になる)
We fell for each other the moment our eyes met.
20608.up and leave(突然行ってしまう)
He up and left for the East Coast.
20609.reach out to(~に働きかける)
Why don't you reach out to him?
That's a long time to hold a grudge.
20601.vie for ~'s attention(~の注意を引こうと競争する)
You are both vying for parents' attention.
20602.Tensions run high between(~の間に緊張感が走る) Tensions run high between us.
20603.tell on(告げ口する)
I told on her.
20604.go out with(~と付き合う、デートする)
Tom had started going out with the beautiful girl.
Favoritism in a family can be devastating in a family can be.
Nissan Motor plans to recall more than 1.2 million vehicles that underwent pre-shipment inspections by unqualified staff at all of its domestic plants.
Nissan President and CEO Hiroto Saikawa said he didn't know about the problem until he was told by the transport ministry.
Last week, the automaker said that employees without proper qualifications had conducted final pre-shipment inspections at all its plants in Japan. The company has stopped sales of at least 60,000 vehicles, including Note, Cube, and Leaf models.
Saikawa said the automaker will recall more than 1.2 million vehicles sold between October 2014 and September 2017 that were not properly inspected. He said they will conduct new inspections on the vehicles. He said the cost of the recall is estimated to exceed 220 million dollars.
Nissan plans to conduct an investigation with a third party and report preventive measures to the ministry.
20596.family get-together(家族の集まり)
Tom is planning a family get-together.
20597.make ~ mad(~を怒らせる)
Sorry if I made you mad.
20598.blow up at(怒鳴りつける)
I'm sorry I blew up at you.
20599.lose one's temper(カットなる)
I shouldn't have lost my temper.
I didn't mean to upset you.
20591.I miss you(あなたがいなくて寂しい) I miss you so much. I think about you every day.
20592. I’m going to miss you.(会えなくなるのは寂しい) I’m going to miss you.. Good luck in New York.
What do you miss most about L.A.?
"One World Trade Center" is the tallest building in New York. It's 104 stories.
Our room is on the 23rd floor. Which floor are you on?
Confucius said, "The people need benevolence more than they need water and fire. I know people who died because of water or fire. But I don't know any people who died because of benevolence."