21516.find time to(〜する時間を見つける)
You have find time to study English.
21517.get around to(〜する時間を持つ)
I was running errands today and I couldn't get around to cleaning the house.
21518.make time to(〜する時間を作る・とる) Make time to plan out your day. It makes a big difference.
21519.set aside time to(〜する時間を確保する)
I set aside time to read English books every night.
21520.What do you think?(あなたはどう思いますか?) What do you think Japan?
21511.lay of the land(状況)
I'm still learning the lay of the land at my new company.
That becomes tangible.
If I can interject I agree we'll be seeing more boomerang employees in the years to come.
Decades ago, divorced people suffered from an unfair stigma.
A prodigal son will break his parents' hearts.
This source is dependable and predictable, but more research is still needed in this area.
He is, at best, but a second-rate actor.
21508.distasteful( いやな、不愉快な、(味が)まずい、いやで)
The suggestion was distasteful to Gatsby.
These are often the most highly emotionally charged relationships.
Love is all-absorbing.
21501.I miss the (xxxxx) days(〜(の日々)が懐かしいな) I miss the college days.
21502.X reminds me of Y(XがYを思い出させる) This song reminds me of my ex-boyfriend.
21503.brings back memories(懐かしい)
This picture brings back memories.
21504.good old days(あの頃は良かった)
Those were the good old days.
Don't use too many trite expressions in your composition.
21496.break up(誰かと別れる)
They broke up. She dumped him because he was cheating.
They say about 50 percent of married couples in the U.S. get a divorce.
I really do love my job. I enjoy what I do every day.
I think there’s something wrong with him. His behavior is abnormal.
I applaud your efforts in putting together this event!.
An international survey has ranked Japan among the lowest of industrialized countries in terms of female representation in parliament.
The Geneva-based Inter-Parliamentary Union surveyed the number of women in parliament in 193 countries as of January 1st this year. Japan's ranking stands at 158th with female lawmakers only accounting for about 10 percent of Lower House seats.
The IPU says in the report that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared in 2012 to make Japan a place where "all women can shine," but his targets for women's leadership have not been met. It adds that in Abe's Liberal Democratic Party, women made up only eight percent of the candidates running in last year's Lower House election.
Female representation is highest in the African country of Rwanda at about 60 percent, followed by Bolivia with about 53 percent. Cuba comes in third at almost 50 percent.
21491.make a long story short (要するに、つまりは)
Anyway, to make a long story short, I decided to turn down the job offer and stick with my current job.
21492.in a nutshell(一言で言えば)
You don't have to give me all the details. Just explain what happened to me in a nutshell.
Can you teach me how to cook?
Can you tell me your phone number?
Let me show you how to use this.
Fo Xi invited Confucius and Confucius wanted to accept it. Zi Lu said, "Master, you said before, 'Gentlemen never go around with people who do bad deeds.' Fo Xi rebelled at Zhong Mou. Why do you want to go?" Confucius said, "Yes, I said that. But a proverb says, 'A matter which is truly hard will not get thin even if you polish it. A matter which is truly white will not get black even if you dye it black.' I am never a bitter gourd. I have to be eaten [employed] by someone.".
r 『論語』とは
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
21486.What inspired you to(~するきっかけは何でしたか?) What inspired you to study English?
21487.What brought you to(~に来るきっかけは何でしたか?) What brought you to Tokyo?
21488.How did you get into(~をはじめたきっかけは何でしたか?) How did you get into accounting?
21489.Why did you (decide to)(~をした理由は何ですか?) Why did you (decide to) run a marathon?
I'm so bummed out that I didn't get the job.
Did you watch the baseball game last night? It was a classic game!
I listen to classical music when I study.
21483.I'll take a rain check(また今度、誘ってください(次回は必ず行きます))
Sorry, I'm busy tonight.I'll take a rain check.
21484.Maybe next time.(社交辞令で円滑にお断り)
I think I'll pass this time. Maybe next time.
21485.Apparently(どうやら~らしい) Apparently he cheated on his wife.