

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/15)

2020年03月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
25031.thrust (主意,要旨,主目的)the main meaning or aim of what someone is saying or doing 
DI think I agree with the main thrust of your opinion.
25032.big picture(全体像、大局)
I suppose you have the point there, but we need to look at the bigger picture.
25033.off the point(的を得ていない)
What you say is probably right, but it's a bit off the point.
25034.tourist trap(観光客に高い料金をふっかける場所)a place that many tourists visit, but where drinks, hotels etc are more expensive – used to show disapproval   
If you don’t do your homework ahead of time, you’re going to fall into a lot of tourist traps. 
25035.no go(だめだ、うまくいかない、むだだ) a subject that cannot be discussed because it is private or because it may offend people   
It's a no go. We have to come up with a new idea.

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2020年03月14日 | 読書日記






Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/14)

2020年03月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
25026.geek((社交的な)マニア・オタク)someone who knows a lot about a technical subject, usually computers, but who is not good at communicating with people類義語NERD 
Oh my gosh! How do you know so much about the supermoon? You're such a geek
25027.geek out(夢中になって〜ついて話す)
She loves to geek out about baseball statistics.
25028.toxic(有毒な、中毒(性)の) containing poison, or caused by poisonous substances 
Research has found that the drug contains a toxic chemical that can cause respiratory problems. .
25029.have the last word(捨て台詞を吐く、〆の言葉を言う)  
It can be very tempting to want to have the last words.
25030.jump to a conclusion(結論を急ぐ)  
He jumps to too many  conclusions. and there's no evidence for the theories.

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/13)

2020年03月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
25021.have ~in mind (~を考えている)formal to intend to do something 
DI couldn't agree more. Do you have anything in mind?
25022.lottery (くじ引き、富くじ、福引き、抽選) a game used to make money for a state or a charity in which people buy tickets with a series of numbers on them. If their number is picked by chance, they win money or a prize 
I was thinking of putting lottery boxes in shops.
25023.impress to make someone feel admiration and respect 
I'm impressed with your English.
25024.blown away (非常に感動しました)  
I'm blown away by his generosity. 
25025.be moved(心が動かされた)to make someone feel strong emotions, especially of sadness or sympathy   
I was moved to tears. 

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/12)

2020年03月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
25016.raise(昇給)an increase in the money you earn 
We agree to the 3% raise, but not to longer working hours.
25017.considerate(気遣い・気を使う・思いやり)always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them OPP inconsiderate 
We're going to a vegetarian restaurant? Thanks! That's so considerate of you.
25018.concern(気遣い・気を使う)a feeling of worry about something important 
I really appreciate your concern but I'll handle it on my own.
25019.be yourself(気を使わなくてもいい・気楽に)to behave in a natural way, rather than trying to pretend to be different   
I love spending time with you because I can just be myself. 
25020.Do you want me to(~しましょうか?)  
Do you want me to pick you up? [ Shall I pick you up? ] 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年03月11日 | 爺英語

New figures from the Japanese government show that GDP shrank in the final quarter of last year, as the higher consumption tax weighed on consumer spending.
GDP fell by an annualized 6.3 percent in the October-to-December period. It was the first contraction in five quarter下落する s. It was also the biggest fall since the tax was raised last time in 2014. In the second quarter of that year, GDP fell 7.4 percent.
Personal consumption makes up more than half of Japan's GDP. It fell by 2.9 percent following the increase in the tax from eight percent to 10 percent at the beginning of October last year.
Sales of cars and electrical appliances tumbled. A warm winter and a series of powerful storms contributed to the drop.
Corporate investment was down by 3.7 percent. Exports fell by 0.1 percent. Both figures were largely due to the global economic slowdown caused by the trade dispute between the U.S. and China.

contraction 縮小  literary great sadness 
tumble 下落する   literary great sadness 
trade dispute 貿易摩擦   literary great sadness 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/11)

2020年03月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
25011.on the move(じっとしていない)to be travelling from one place to another 
I’ve been on the move all day today. I didn’t even have time to eat lunch. 
25012.in the mood for/to(~したい気分(〜を食べたい気分)) 
If you're in the mood for Italian, I know a really good place.
25013.feel like(~したい気分 / 〜のような気分)
I don't really feel like going out tonight. Let's just stay in and watch a movie or something.
25014.I've been there(私にも同じ経験があります)  
 I've been there too so I know how you feel. You only live once. If you don't like it, change it.
25015.stick together(協力し合う)if people stick together, they continue to support each other when they have problems 
We’re a family, and we stick together no matter what. 

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徒然草 第三十八段

2020年03月10日 | 徒然草を読む




 それでも、あえて知恵を追求し、賢さを求める人のために告ぐ。老子は言った。「知恵は巧妙な嘘を生むものである。才能とは煩悩が増幅した最終形だ。人から聞いた事を暗記するのは、本当の知恵ではない。では、知恵とはいったい何であろうか。そんな事は誰も知らない」と。荘子は言った。「善悪の区別とはいったい何であろうか。何を善と呼び、何を悪と呼べばいいのだろうか? そんな事は誰も知らない」と。本当の超人は知恵もなく、人徳もなく、功労もなく、名声もない。誰も超人を知らず、誰も超人の伝説を語ることはない。それは、真の超人が能力を隠し馬鹿なふりをしているからではない。最初から、賢いとか、馬鹿だとか、得をするとか、失ってしまうとか、そんなことは「どうでもいい」という境地に達しているから誰も気がつかないのだ。



Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/10)

2020年03月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
25006.heads up(注意しなさい!、用心しろ! )a warning that something may happen 
Here's a heads-up for investors in real-estate stocks.  
25007.flawed(欠点のある)spoiled by having mistakes, weaknesses, or by being damaged 
Our health care system is flawed and needs to be fixed.
25008.epidemic (流行病) a large number of cases of a disease that happen at the same time → pandemic 
Japan has been hit hard by the coronavirus epidemic.
25009.pandemic (複数の国をまたぐ世界規模の流行病)technical a disease that affects people over a very large area or the whole world   
The coronavirus outbreak may be on the brink of becoming a global pandemic.
25010.good value for the money(コスパがいい)  
I highly recommend that service. It’s great value for the money

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/09)

2020年03月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
25001.ups and downs informal the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship 
As you know, relationship have many ups and downs.
25002.In a nutshell used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short clear way 
In a nutshell, he is a jerk.
25003.in good shape(良い状況で、順調で)in good, bad etc condition, or in good, bad etc health 
In short、our company is in good shape.
25004.hasty done in a hurry, especially with bad results 類義語 hurried 
I think you should think twice before making any hasty decision.
25005.sit back((いすに)深く座る、傍観する) to relax and make no effort to get involved in something or influence what happens 
Don’t just sit back and wait for new business to come to you. 
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Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/08)

2020年03月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
24996.fad(ブーム )something that people like or do for a short time, or that is fashionable for a short time 
I don't trust fad diets. 
24997.get rid of(捨てる)to take action so that you no longer have something unpleasant that you do not want 
I can't get rid of this cold. My throat still hurts.
24998.No offense(悪気はない)spoken used to tell someone that you hope that what you are going to say or do will not offend them 
No offense but that shirt doesn't look good on you.
24999.make up(仲直りする) informal to become friendly with someone again after you have had an argument   
You should try to make up as quickly as possible.
25000.split up with(~と別れる、手放す)  
If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you want to split up with your girlfriend,right?

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年03月07日 | 読書日記

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