

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/07)

2020年03月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
24991.plan to(の予定です)
I'm planning to explore the town today. 
24992.chic very fashionable and expensive, and showing good judgment of what is attractive and good style 
Can't you think of better word, such as elegant or chic or trendy?,
24993.dynamic full of energy and new ideas, and determined to succeed 
What I did say was that it could be a bit more dynamic.
24994.cultural awareness (文化的意識)  
What I said was that doing businesses oversea requires a certain level of cultural awareness .
24995.courtesy(礼儀)  polite behaviour and respect for other people 類義語 politeness OPP discourtesy
It’s common courtesy to cover your mouth when you sneeze. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/06)

2020年03月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
24896.hype(誇大、だます)attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc – used to show disapproval → exaggeration 
Do you think that's the case, or is it just media hype
24897.flighty (とっぴな、軽はずみな、気まぐれな、気の違った)someone who is flighty changes their ideas and opinions often, and only remains interested in people or things for a short time – used in a disapproving way, especially about women 
She is so flighty;she's got a new hobby every month.
24898.contract worker(契約社員)a worker who has a temporary contract to do a particular piece of work, but is not an employee of the company who they are working for 
They are more open to part timers, contract workers, outsourcing.
24899.open to change(変化を受け入れる)  
Businesses have to be flexible and open to change in order to survive.
24990.lifetime employee (終身雇用社員)  
The traditional loyal lifetime employee belongs to another era.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/05)

2020年03月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
24891.transferable(応用の効く、移すことのできる)able to be moved from one place or position to another 
I recommend focusing on skills that are transferable.
24892.withdraw(取り下げる、撤退する)to stop taking part in an activity, belonging to an organization etc, or to make someone do this 
If you understand you correctly, you are withdrawing you application.
24893.come along(進み具合) informal to be developing or making progress 類義語 progress 
How is the customer database coming long?
24894.There is no way(~する可能性がない、~するわけがない)  
There is no way I could get all this done by dadline.
24895.quitter(仕事や義務などを最後まで努力せずに)放棄する人、忘避者、回避者,三日坊主)informal someone who does not have the determination or courage to finish something that is difficult   
I'm not a quitter, but this job is starting to affect my health. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年03月04日 | 爺英語

Researchers at a British think tank say countries around the world spent more on defense in 2019 than during any year in the past decade. The International Institute for Strategic Studies says average defense spending increased by four percent from the previous year.
The annual "Military Balance" report says the defense budgets of both the U.S. and China exceeded the global average with an increase of 6.6 percent.
U.S. spending rose by 53.4 billion dollars, an amount almost as big as the entire defense budget of Britain. However, growth in China's defense spending is slowing, reflecting the country's economic woes.
The report concludes the international order built on rules established since World War II is under severe strain. It cites the expiry last year of a key treaty between the U.S. and Russia – the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF.

woe 困難、苦境 literary great sadness 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/04)

2020年03月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
24886.show house(住宅展示)a house that has been built and filled with furniture to show buyers what similar new houses look like 
Are you all ready for the show house fair this weekend?
24887.Leave it to me (私に任せて下さい)
Leave it to me.
24888.cartoon(アニメ)a short film that is made by photographing a series of drawings
 We should have balloon. snacks and cartoons to keep their entertained.
24889.specific(具体的な、明確な)detailed and exact OPP non-specific   
Could you be more specific about what you’re looking for?
24890.frank honest and truthful 
What you are trying to say?  You can be absolutely frank with me.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第三十七段

2020年03月03日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/03)

2020年03月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
I cleaned the bathroom and scrubbed the bathtub. 
24882.While you're at it(ついでに〜する)spoken used to suggest that someone should do something while they are doing something else 
I'm making dinner right now. You know what? I'll just prepare our lunch for tomorrow while I'm at it.
24883.While you're there/here(〜にいるついでに〜してくれる)
While you're there, can you buy some milk? We ran out.
24884.on the way(〜へ行くついでに〜する)  
On the way to Fukuoka, we stopped by Osaka and ate steamed pork buns at 551 Horai.
24885.It's on the house(当店からのサービスです)  
These French fries were on the house

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/02)

2020年03月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
24876.clever((ズル)賢い・要領が良い)especially British English able to learn and understand things quickly 類義語 intelligent, smart American English 
She's a clever and charismatic singer. 
24877.wise(賢い)wise decisions and actions are sensible and based on good judgment 類義語 sensible 
I feel like I'm a little wiser now than I was 10 years ago.
24878.omnivore (雑食動物)an animal that eats both meat and plants 
A bear isn't a carnivore but an omnivore.
24879.carnivore (肉食動物)an animal that eats flesh   
Their actual digestive system is that of a carnivore and so bamboo is an unlikely foodstuff to choose.
24880.herbivore(草食動物)an animal that only eats plants   
The basic food of herbivores is plants, so even the largest carnivorous animals are indirectly dependent on plants.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/01)

2020年03月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
24871.can't go wrong(間違いない / 失敗のしようがない)
You can't go wrong with wine from Napa Valley. 
24872.get out of(から出る、を脱ぐ、から降りる) 
I'll call you back as soon as I get out of here.
Over the years, I’ve come to realize the importance of speaking English.
24873.10 minutes or so(10分前後)
How about I call you back in 10 minutes or so?
24874.stick around(近くにいる、あたりで待っている) to stay in a place a little longer, waiting for something to happen  
Everyone is going to stick around for another hour so call me when you get here. 
24875.hang around(ごろつく、ほっつき回る)  
I just hung around the house. I did my laundry and watched a movie. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News