『 雨にぬれても 』バート・バカラック作曲 映画〜明日に向かって撃て!〜 ♪ Piano cover
25531.cut corners(手を抜く) to do something in the easiest and shortest way, esp at the expense of high standards
Don't cut corners to save money. Quality comes first.
25532.can’t stop oneself from(〜が止まらない )
I can’t stop myself from eating chocolate when I’m stressed out.
25533.guilty pleasure(後ろめたい楽しみ)
I know I need to stop playing video games but it’s my guilty pleasure.
25534.get tired of(〜に飽きてきた)a substance which provides your body with energy and is found in foods such as grain, rice, and potatoes, or a food that contains this substance 類義語 carbohydrate
I’m getting tired of eating at home. Do you want to eat out tonight?
25535.labor intensive(多大な労力)Labor-intensive industries or methods of making things involve a lot of workers. Compare capital-intensive.
Being a farmer is pretty labor intensive.
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It's less demanding and lets them have more leisure time.
25527.line of work(職種、業種)
I'He want to go into a more creative line of work.
25528.be struck by(驚かされる)
I was struck by his vast knowledge of history.
25529.mentally fit(精神的に健康な)
She says learning a second language help keep her mentally fit in old age.
25530.boredom and depression(退屈と憂うつ)
Work helps them stay mentally fit by preventing boredom and depression.
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著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)
25521.Are you all set? (準備できた? / 支払いの準備はよろしいですか?)
Are you all set for the presentation tomorrow?
25522.in shape(健康的)If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shape, they are in a bad state of health or in a bad condition.
He's 50 years old? No way! He's in great shape!
25523.out of shape(運動不足 )If something is out of shape, it is no longer in its proper or original shape, for example because it has been damaged or wrongly handled.
I'm running out of breath climbing up these stairs. I'm so out of shape.
25524.in good/bad shape(体調が良い・悪い
He came down with a flu. He's in terrible shape.
25525.personal pursuit (私的な趣味)
That includes time for both work and personal pursuit.
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25516.good old days(あの頃は良かった)an earlier period of time regarded as better than the present
10 years ago all we did was travel. Those were the good old days.
They keep a variety of animals in the zoo, Elephants, rhinos and giraffes, to name but a few.
25518.cultural(文化的な)Cultural means relating to a particular society and its ideas, customs, and art.
Putting aside cultural differences, I'm happy with our marriage.
Can I come and see you?
Sounds good. What time do you want to go?
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25511.sign up for(届け出をする、登録を申し込む、契約する)to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it
I have to sign up for Coach Parker's summer basketball camp.
Having people who share your life and are there for you when you need them doesn't just make you happier.
25513.miss(懐かしい)If you miss something, you feel sad because you no longer have it or are no longer doing or experiencing it.
I miss the college days.
25514.remind (懐かしい)
This song reminds me of my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.
25515.bring back memories(懐かしい)
This picture brings back memories
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Protests are escalating in the United States over the death of a black man after being pinned down by police. Some have turned violent.
George Floyd died in Minneapolis last week after a white police officer held him down with a knee on his neck.
The New York Times reports the protests have spread to 140 cities in at least 40 states.
Shops have been looted and cars set on fire.
In Washington D.C., protesters set fire to trash cans near the White House. Officers there fired what appears to be tear gas.
At least 25 cities, including Los Angeles, have imposed curfews.
The newspaper says this is the first time curfews have been imposed in so many cities since 1968, when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.
President Donald Trump tweeted the media is inciting hatred and accused what he calls the radical left and anarchists of instigating the protests.
George Floyd died in Minneapolis last week after a white police officer held him down with a knee on his neck.
The New York Times reports the protests have spread to 140 cities in at least 40 states.
Shops have been looted and cars set on fire.
In Washington D.C., protesters set fire to trash cans near the White House. Officers there fired what appears to be tear gas.
At least 25 cities, including Los Angeles, have imposed curfews.
The newspaper says this is the first time curfews have been imposed in so many cities since 1968, when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.
President Donald Trump tweeted the media is inciting hatred and accused what he calls the radical left and anarchists of instigating the protests.
◆pin down おさえつける
◆loot 盗む、荒らす
◆curfew 夜間外出禁止(令)
◆incite あおり立てる、扇動する、教唆するIf someone incites people to behave in a violent or illegal way, they encourage people to behave in that way, usually by making them excited or angry.
◆instigate 扇動する、あおるSomeone who instigates an event causes it to happen.
◆loot 盗む、荒らす
◆curfew 夜間外出禁止(令)
◆incite あおり立てる、扇動する、教唆するIf someone incites people to behave in a violent or illegal way, they encourage people to behave in that way, usually by making them excited or angry.
◆instigate 扇動する、あおるSomeone who instigates an event causes it to happen.
25506.horrible(ひどい)very bad – used, for example, about things you see, taste, or smell, or about the weather
I’m so hungover. I feel horrible today.
25507.considerate(思いやり・気遣い)Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.
You need to be more considerate of others.
I am going to take a while to organize them.
25509.complimentary(無料の) A complimentary seat, ticket, or book is given to you free.
Drink such as coffee,tea and fruit juice are complimentary.
25510.to name but few(ほんの数例をあげれば) used when you are mentioning only a small number of people or things as examples of a large group
I love the impressionist artist---Monet, Degas and Renoir, to name but few .
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帰ってから、友達に「前から思っていた事を、ついにやり遂げました。これまた、噂以上にハラショーなものでした。しかし、お参りしている方々が、みんな登山をなさっていたから、山の上でイベントでもあったのでしょうか? 行ってみたかったのですが、今回は参拝が目的だったので、余計な事はやめておこうと、山頂は見てこなかったのです」と語った。
帰ってから、友達に「前から思っていた事を、ついにやり遂げました。これまた、噂以上にハラショーなものでした。しかし、お参りしている方々が、みんな登山をなさっていたから、山の上でイベントでもあったのでしょうか? 行ってみたかったのですが、今回は参拝が目的だったので、余計な事はやめておこうと、山頂は見てこなかったのです」と語った。
25501.e.g for example
Pulses,e.g, lentils and soybeans, are excellent for your body.
25502.book report (読書感想)
I went there to pick a book for a book report.
25503.homestretch (最後の直線コース、ホームストレッチ、(仕事の)最終部分、追い込み)the last part of a race where there is a straight line to the finish
We're in the homestretch now.
25504.have mixed feelings(複雑な心境)
I have mixed feelings about job change; anticipation and anxiety.
25505.feel guilty about (罪悪感を感じる)
I feel terribly guilty about forgetting our anniversary.
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25496.take off(取り除く)
Yeah, make sure you take the lid off before you microwave it.
25497.in shape(健康的)
Summer is around the corner. I need to get in shape.
25498.out of shape(運動不足)If something is out of shape, it is no longer in its proper or original shape, for example because it has been damaged or wrongly handled.
I feel like I'm getting out of shape. I need to get back in the gym.
25499.in good/bad shape (体調が良い・悪い) If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shape, they are in a bad state of health or in a bad condition.
You look like you're in good shape, Tim.
25500.scenic(景色の良い) A scenic place has attractive scenery.
I took photos of scenic locations like Hakone and Kyoto
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