

Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/14)

2020年06月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
25491.stingy(ケチ / せこい)If you describe someone as stingy, you are criticizing them for being unwilling to spend money. 
She is stingy with her money.
25492.frugal(倹約的な / 節約する / 無駄遣いしない)People who are frugal or who live frugal lives do not eat much or spend much money on themselves. 
She is frugal with her money.
25493.freeloader(たかり屋 / せこい)If you refer to someone as a freeloader, you disapprove of them because they take advantage of other people's kindness, for example by accepting food or accommodation from them, without giving anything in return. 
Is it true Mary is a freeloader?
25494.putting aside(~はさておき)
Putting aside all our difference, let try to find a solutions to this problem.
25495.The best part / The worst part(長所・短所)  
What is the best and worst part about being single? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

愛されたい! なら日本史に聞こう

2020年06月13日 | 読書日記







Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/13)

2020年06月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
25486.baby bump((妊娠により)膨らんだお腹)spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said 
I'm starting to see your baby bump!
25487.out of it((集中できずに)ぼーっとする) unable to think clearly because you are tired or drunk, or have taken drugs 
Sorry I'm a little out of it today. I pulled an all-nighter last night.
25488.space out((人の話しを聞かずに)ボーッとする)
Oh sorry, I was spacing out. What did you say?
25489.daydream (空想にふける)to think about something pleasant, especially when this makes you forget what you should be doing 
You were daydreaming about that girl, weren't you?
25490.go down (まっすぐ進む)  
Go down 3rd street until you see McDonalds. There's one right there. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/12)

2020年06月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
There's actually a trick. 
25482.get the hang of(〜のコツをつかむ)
I'm starting to get the hang of it.
25483.due date(予定日)the date on which, according to medical calculations, a pregnant woman is most likely to give birth 
My first was born 3 weeks before her due date, so we’ll see what happens this time.
25484.maternity leave(産休)a period of paid absence from work, in Britain currently six months, to which a woman is legally entitled during the months immediately before and after childbirth 
I heard you’re pregnant, congratulations! When do you go on maternity leave?
25485.morning sickness(つわり)Morning sickness is a feeling of wanting to be sick or being sick that some women have, often in the morning, when they are pregnant.   
I've been suffering from bad morning sickness the last few weeks. 

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Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/11))

2020年06月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
25476.Ieash(綱)A dog's leash is a long thin piece of leather or a chain, which you attach to the dog's collar so that you can keep the dog under control. 
Will you hold Buddy's leash?
25477.the front-runner (先頭走者、最有力候補 )
She's the front-runner for the lead in a school musical!
25478.to touch base(どんな様子かと思って、しばらく連絡していないので、ちょっと話があって)
I just called to touch base. 
25479.call it a day (仕事などを途中でやめる、切り上げる )informal to decide to stop working, especially because you have done enough or you are tired 
But not everyone likes the idea of calling it a day for good.
I loved the moment when we presented Ron with a retirement cake shaped like a huge bean to show our appreciation for his many years of service.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年06月10日 | 爺英語

Some consumers here in Japan are turning to a mythical mermaid-like figure in hopes of bringing an end to the coronavirus pandemic.
A bakery in the southern prefecture of Okinawa began making bread in the shape of the popular creature last month.
The character known as Amabie has gone viral amid the outbreak in Japan.
It traces its roots to the Edo era and is said to repel plagues.
The bread is made from locally sourced ingredients, including yellow potato for the creature's long hair and beak as well as red sweet potato for the body.
The bakery was forced to close temporarily last month due to the coronavirus.
But orders have been pouring in after the product was featured online.
Japan's health ministry is also using Amabie as part of an ad campaign aimed at stopping the spread of the virus.
go viral 急速に広まる    
trace one's roots to (人の)起源を~に遡る
repel  名誉待遇の
plague  疫病
pour in  大量に流れ込む、押し寄せる

Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/10))

2020年06月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
25471.on top of that(さらに、その上)spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said 
His wallet stolen and he caught the stomach flu. on top of that, he missed his flight home.
You need to have a clean driving license.
She speaks five languages. Furthermore, she is an intercultural communication expert.
25474.fabulous(素晴らしい)If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good. 
We’re back with another fabulous product.
He was in the corridor, in front of the library. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第五十一段

2020年06月09日 | 徒然草を読む








Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/09)

2020年06月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
25466.get into argument(口論になる)
I got into an argument with my mom today.
The sink is plugged. We have to call a plumber.
25468.experienced(経験豊かな)If you describe someone as experienced, you mean that they have been doing a particular job or activity for a long time, and therefore know a lot about it or are very skilful at it. 
Except for Norio, all the staff are very experienced 
25469.dump(恋人をふる、不要なものを捨てる) If something is dumped somewhere, it is put or left there because it is no longer wanted or needed. 
It’s good that you dumped Jordan.
25470.competitive(競争心が強い)Competitive is used to describe situations or activities in which people or firms compete with each other.   
He is very competitive. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/08)

2020年06月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
25461.get out of hand(手に負えなくなる)If a person or a situation gets out of hand, you are no longer able to control them. 
We are dealing with so many problems right now that it's getting out of hand.
25462.get out of control(手に負えなくなる)If something is out of control, no-one has any power over it. 
The situation between Adam and Ross is getting out of hand. 
25463.be hungry for(渇望している)
Woman are hungry for movies with story ,complex female character.
25464.spot(見つける,見抜く,見分ける)If you spot something or someone, you notice them. 
I spotted an error n the first paragraph of the lead article yesterday.
25465.hole up(閉じこもる)  
I like to just hole up at home.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/07)

2020年06月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
25456.oldie someone or something that is old, especially an old film or song 
What are some of your favorite oldies?
Every time I hear this song, it gets me in the groove 
25458.off the radar(気づかれないで)
I haven’t heard from Tom in years. He’s been off the radar. 
25459.sluggish(だるい)moving or reacting more slowly than normal 
I feel sluggish today. I don’t feel like doing anything.
25460.pick someone up(元気づける)  
When I’m feeling down, my friends are always there to pick me up
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年06月06日 | 読書日記




