29006.clueless(手がかりのない、無知な、無能な、ばかな )having no understanding or knowledge of something – used to show disapproval
I’m not that clueless, you know..
29007.100-meter sprint(100メートル走)to run very fast for a short distance → jog
I ran to the station breaking the world record for 100-meter sprint.
29008.fearless not afraid of anything
My son is fearless when he tries new foods.
29009.review(批評する)an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about a new book, play, film etc
My uncle reviews restaurants for the local paper..
29010.slam(打つ、打ち当てる、(…を)酷評する、こきおろす、(…に)楽勝する ) to criticize someone or something strongly – used especially in newspapers SYN slate
Many critics slammed the album "Let it be" when it came out.
I’m not that clueless, you know..
29007.100-meter sprint(100メートル走)to run very fast for a short distance → jog
I ran to the station breaking the world record for 100-meter sprint.
29008.fearless not afraid of anything
My son is fearless when he tries new foods.
29009.review(批評する)an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about a new book, play, film etc
My uncle reviews restaurants for the local paper..
29010.slam(打つ、打ち当てる、(…を)酷評する、こきおろす、(…に)楽勝する ) to criticize someone or something strongly – used especially in newspapers SYN slate
Many critics slammed the album "Let it be" when it came out.