

Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/23)

2022年07月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
29006.clueless(手がかりのない、無知な、無能な、ばかな )having no understanding or knowledge of something – used to show disapproval
I’m not that clueless, you know..
29007.100-meter sprint(100メートル走)to run very fast for a short distance → jog
I ran to the station breaking the world record for 100-meter sprint.
29008.fearless not afraid of anything
My son is fearless when he tries new foods.
29009.review(批評する)an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about a new book, play, film etc
My uncle reviews restaurants for the local paper..
29010.slam(打つ、打ち当てる、(…を)酷評する、こきおろす、(…に)楽勝する ) to criticize someone or something strongly – used especially in newspapers SYN slate
Many critics slammed the album "Let it be" when it came out.

Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/22)

2022年07月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
29001.I love that (それはいいね )
I love that. That’s a great metaphor and it totally makes sense. 
29002.have a seat at the table (何かを決定するポジションを得る )
You’ve been working there for over ten years. You deserve a seat at the table
29003.set one's mind on(~しようと心に決める)to use all of something and not have any more left
He set his mind on becoming a professional golfer
29004.itinerary(旅程表)a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey
Prices for the above itineraries are based on charter flights from London to Bangkok. 
29005.roux(ルー )a mixture of flour, butter, and milk that is used for making sauces
 Did you remember to bring the curry roux?

Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/21)

2022年07月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
28996.sloppy (だらしない ) not done carefully or thoroughly SYN careless
This is a sloppy job. Do it over.
28997.irresponsible (だらしない / いい加減 )doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible bad results OPP responsible
I wouldn't trust him with money. He is financially irresponsible
28998.have a tendency to (〜する傾向がある ) if someone or something has a tendency to do or become a particular thing, they are likely to do or become it
I have a tendency to put things off until the last minute. 
28999.good enough (十分に良い )
I feel like your English is good enough to work for a foreign company. 
29000.raise (昇給する)American English an increase in the money you earn SYN rise
I got a raise today. I’m shocked because it was totally unexpected. 


2022年07月20日 | 爺英語

Japan's biggest telecom company is about to embrace teleworking in a big way.
From July, employees of NTT will be allowed to work from home anywhere in Japan. And when they have to visit the office, it will be deemed a business trip.
NTT says there will be no more compulsory transfers and no limits to travel expenses. Employees will be allowed to fly to the office if need be.
The company says the idea is to increase job satisfaction and help attract and retain talented people.
NTT and its group companies employ 180,000 people nationwide. About 30,000 of them will be eligible at first, but the firm plans to expand the scheme later.

embrace (機会などを)喜んで受け入れる、積極的に取り入れる    formal to eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc 
retain 保つ、維持する     to keep something or continue to have something 
eligible 資格がある、条件を満たしている、適格の       someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/20)

2022年07月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
28991.It's still up in the air (まだ未定です )
It's still up in the air. I'm thinking about going to a Laker game. 
28992.That's too bad (それは残念です )
I lost my iPhone yesterday. That's too bad. 
28993.Please do not (don’t) hesitate (遠慮なく〜してください )to use all of something and not have any more left
Ok. If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask
28994.Put on (〜を着る、はく、かぶる、かける ) on to put a piece of clothing on your body OPP take off
Where is Timmy?  He is in his room putting on his jacket. 
28995.wear (〜を着ている、はいている、かぶっている、かけている ) to have something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery on your body
What is Timmy wearing?He is wearing a green jacket.

徒然草 第百六十一段

2022年07月19日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/19)

2022年07月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
28986.No worries (心配しないで )
No worries. Let me grab some paper towels. 
28987.be motivated (やる気がある )
We are looking for highly motivated people. 
28988.enthusiastic(熱心な )feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
He is very enthusiastic about the new project and is working harder than anyone else in the team.
28989.don’t feel like ~ing (やる気がない )
I was, but I just don’t feel like jogging this morning. I’ll pass today. 
28990.I’ll keep my fingers crossed (幸運をお祈りしています )
I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I hope he passes. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/18)

2022年07月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
28981.as long as (~さえすれば ) used to say that one thing will continue to happen or be true if another thing happens or is true at the same time
You can borrow my car as long as you fill up my tank. .
28982.good value for (~に見合う価値 )
That online English service is good value for the price. 
28983.ripoff (法外な金をとる ) to charge someone too much money for something SYN overcharge
This place is a ripoff. It’s terrible value for the money. 
28984.like everyone else (みんなと同じように )
I struggle with pronunciation like everyone else. 
28985.worthwhile (~する価値がある )if something is worthwhile, it is important or useful, or you gain something from it
Like any job, it's challenging at times. But for me, teaching is a worthwhile career. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/17)

2022年07月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
28976.cats and dogs(土砂降りに、ひどく)
Get inside, kids! It's raining cats and dogs.
28977.sloppy(だらしない、汚い) sloppy clothes are loose-fitting, untidy, or dirty Out of the house, I went nice clothes-but at home. I'm sloppy.
28978.get away(遠出する、休暇を取る)informal to take a holiday away from the place you normally live
For me, Izu is the perfect place to get away for the weekend
28979. expertise(専門的技術、ノウハウ )special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training
Years of professional experience have given Amy lots of expertise
28980.suck up(吸いとる、諂う、諛う ) to say or do a lot of nice things in order to make someone like you or to get what you want – used to show disapproval
It's obvious that he's sucking up to the teacher.


2022年07月16日 | 読書日記
【 内容】
「ゆるやかな糖質制限ダイエット」を提唱する山田 悟先生(北里大学北里研究所病院)監修のダイエット本。

今すぐ手に入る低糖質食材カタログ ほか

【 著者】
山田 悟
肩書き・北里大学北里研究所病院 糖尿病センター センター長 食・楽・健康協会 代表理事




Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/16)

2022年07月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
28971.tape(収録する)  to record sound or pictures onto a tape
Don't forget tape the show tonight.
28972.air(放送する)to broadcast a programme on television or radio
This channel airs a wide variety of educational shows.
28973.utterly completely – used especially to emphasize that something is very bad, or that a feeling is very strong
This translation app turned out to be utterly useless.
28974.pour if a lot of liquid or smoke pours out, it comes out from somewhere in very large amounts
It started poring while I was walking to the station , I got so wet
28975.on and off(時々、不規則に )for short periods but not regularly over a long period of time
It’s supposed to rain on and off today. Tale your umbrella  just in case.