

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/23)

2023年03月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
30211.lecture someone    (説教する )
Don’t lecture me about my career.  
30212.off the cuff (即席で / 即興の / ぶっつけ本番の ) an off-the-cuff remark, reply etc is one that you make without thinking about it first 類義語 spontaneous 
It was a lot of fun but my boss made me do a speech and I had to do it off the cuff. 
30213.screw up (台無しにする / しくじる  )to make a bad mistake or do something very stupid 類義語 mess up 
You better not screw up this time. I’m counting on you. Don’t let me down. 
30214.splurge (贅沢する、散財する  )to spend more money than you can usually afford 類義語 splash out 
When was the last time you splurged on something? 
30215.spend a fortune  (ふんだんにお金を使って豪快に遊んだり贅沢する  )
Yeah she showed it to me yesterday. I'm sure her fiancé spent a fortune for that thing. 


2023年03月22日 | 爺英語

A Japanese research institute says one in four people continue to experience suspected coronavirus aftereffects even 18 months after infection.
The National Center for Global Health and Medicine interviewed 500 people who were infected between February 2020 and November 2021.
The center's survey found that about 32 percent complained of possible aftereffects six months after infection. The figure remained at about 26 percent even after 18 months.
The survey revealed that nearly 12 percent suffered memory loss, while 11 percent cited lack of concentration a year after infection
Ten percent said they experienced problems with their sense of smell.
(Morioka Shinichiro / Doctor, The National Center for Global Health and Medicine)
“We found that a certain number of people who had experienced only mild symptoms during infection still suffered aftereffects.”
The doctor urges people to continue anti-infection measures.

aftereffect 後遺症      ta bad effect that continues for a long time after the thing that caused it 
memory loss 記憶障害、物忘れ       to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/22)

2023年03月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
30206.change one’s mind    (気が変わる、考えが変わる  )to change your decision, plan, or opinion about something 
Yeah, he changed his mind at the last minute and said he wanted to come. 
30207.put it like that (そのような言い方 )     
Why do you have to put it like that? Be a little more positive. 
30208.bust out (急に~し出す )always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs 
When I saw your text message, I busted out laughing in the train. 
30209.get mad at someone  (怒って叱る )
I got mad at my son for lying. 
30210.chew someone out  (人を厳しく叱る ) to talk angrily to someone in order to show them that you disapprove of what they have done 
She chewed him out for driving drunk. 

徒然草 第百九十六段

2023年03月21日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/21)

2023年03月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
30201.on top  of that  (なおそのうえに )
On top of that, it was raining. 
30202.spot(見つける,見抜く,見分ける )  to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize 
It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer. 
30203.classify (分類する)to decide what group something belongs to → classification 
Garbage in Japan is generally classified into four types: Burnable, non-burnable, oversized garbage and recyclable garbage. 
30204.mingle (混ぜる、一緒にする、(…を)(…と)混ぜる )if two feelings, sounds, smells etc mingle, they mix together with each other /if you mingle at a party, you move around the room and talk to lots of different people 
Families mingled and enjoyed themselves at a block party. 
30205.touch(人・人の心を感動させる ) to affect someone’s emotions, especially by making them feel sympathy or sadness 
Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/20)

2023年03月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
30196.hoodie   (パーカー )a loose jacket or top made of soft material, which has a hood 
I wore the same hoodie every day during spring break . 
30197.itch (かゆみ、皮癬(ひぜん)、疥癬(かいせん)、むずむずするようなものほしさ、切望、むずむずする気持ち )   if part of your body or your clothes itch, you have an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails 
When I eat shrimp my skin starts to itch.
30198.rash  (発疹(はつしん), 吹き出物.  ) a lot of red spots on someone’s skin, caused by an illness 
I got a serious rash after I touched the plant
30199.resilient  (はね返る、弾力のある、たちまち元気を回復する、快活な、溌刺(はつらつ)とした )able to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event → tough 
We're taking steps to make VOcab City resilient to disaster.
30200.ventilate   (空気を通す、通風をよくする、換気する、公然と議論にのせる、世評に問う、公表する、述べる、表わす ) to let fresh air into a room, building etc 
When you use the stove make sure to ventilate the kitchen. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/19)

2023年03月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
30191.afresh   (さらに、新たに、再び )if you do something afresh, you do it again from the beginning 類義語 anew 
You can start afresh
30192.remember to. (~することを覚えている )    spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said  happen very soon 
And remember to carry some cash in case they don't accept credit card.
30193.overview  (概要、概観)a short description of a subject or situation that gives the main ideas without explaining all the details 
The first chapter provides an overview of Hawaiian history?
30194.overly  (過度に、あまりにも)too or very 
My brother gets overly emotional about his favorite soccer team.
30195.corn dog(アメリカンドッグ) to think that rules etc are very important and that other people should think so too 
Do you want mustard on your corn dog?


2023年03月18日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】


「チバケル」「スバローシー」「オラブ」「アズル」「アーサン」「アンゴー」「イラマカス」「オツ」「オトンボ」「ケナリー」「テゴ」「テニアワン」「フーガワリーイ」「ヨダツ」などなど。枚挙に遑がない 。

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/18)

2023年03月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
30186.in case (~の場合には )whatever happens or happened 
Take  enough water in case you get caught on traffic. 
30187.seal (印鑑)   mark that has a special design and shows the legal or official authority of a person or organization 
You probably won't need it but take your seal just in case.
30188.all the same(にもかかわらず)in spite of something that you have just mentioned 
Only  a few people came. All the same, it was a a successful event.
30189.a box office hit  (興行的に成功を収めた作品 )used to describe how successful a film, play, or actor is, by the number of people who pay to see them 
This movie became a box office hit despite getting terrible review
30190.ridiculosly   (ばかげて、おかしく、ばかばかしいほど )very silly or unreasonable 
I know it’s ridiculously expensive. Still,I'm going to buy it. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/17)

2023年03月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
30181.nauseous  especially American English feeling that you are going to vomit 類義語 sick 
I felt slightly nauseous. 
30182.productive producing or achieving a lot OPP unproductive 
It was productive. I organized my closet and put my winter clothes in storage.
30183.so-so neither very good nor very bad 類義語 average 
It was so-so. the weather was pretty bad and hotel was a little old.
30184.family gathering  (家族の集まり)
It was a wonderful family gathering.It was  fantastic!We are surrounded by my children and grandchildren.
30185.in the mood to to feel that you would like to do something 
Well...I'm not really in the mood to sing now

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/16)

2023年03月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
30176.I believe (おそらく〜だと思う  )
I believe he had some kind of family emergency. 
30177.learn the ropes  (コツをつかむ )  
I really like it! I'm still learning the ropes but all of my coworkers have been really helpful. 
30178.get the hang of (コツをつかんできた  )informal to learn how to do something or use something 
It's taking some time but I slowly getting the hang of it. I can stand on the board now. 
30179.talk someone's ear off  American English spoken to talk too much to someone 
My dad talked my ear off about getting a job. 
30180.I'd like to add something. (ちょっと付け加えたいのですが ) 
Is there anything else you'd like to add