


2023年03月15日 | 爺英語

Consumers and businesses are feeling the pinch as egg prices in Tokyo hit a record.
Higher costs for chicken feed and the spread of bird flu in Japan are to blame.
An industry group says the average wholesale price of a kilogram of medium-sized eggs hit 335 yen, or about two dollars and 50 cents.
The figure is nearly double the average price from a year ago.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine and a weaker yen have made corn and other feed more expensive.
Egg shipments have also dropped as a large number of chickens have been culled due to bird flu.
“I use eggs not just as a main item but also to make other things, such as deep-fried foods. If they get too expensive, it would be a problem.”

feel the pinchお金が足りなくて痛みを感じる     to have financial difficulties, especially because you are not making as much money as you used to make 
be to blame ~が悪い、~に責任がある      to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad 
cull(弱った動物などを)殺処分する、間引く     to kill animals so that there are not too many of them, or so that a disease does not spread 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/15)

2023年03月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
30171.What inspired you to  (~するきっかけは何でしたか?  )
What inspired you to study English? 
30172.What brought you to (~に来るきっかけは何でしたか? ) 
What brought you to this city? 
30173.How did you get into  (~をはじめたきっかけは何でしたか? )
How did you get into programing? 
30174.have someone do something (〜をしてもらう )
Please have your boss email me the documents. 
30175.get someone to do something  ((どうにかして/なんとかして)〜させる・〜をしてもらう )
Is there anyway you can get your teacher to teach us English? 

徒然草 第百九十五段

2023年03月14日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/14)

2023年03月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
30166.word of mouth    (口頭の、口伝えの )when people hear about something from their friends, people they work with etc 
Many of our clients come through word-of-mouth recommendations 
30167.back in the day (昔は;以前は) a long time ago, when you were much younger 
You haven't changed since back in the day

30168.go out of one's way  (わざわざ…する)
She went out of her way to prepare this meal for us、why blame her and hurt her
30169.get something going (~を始める )
I have a lot to do today. It’s time to get my day going
30170.I’m with you (同感です)
I’m with you. You can’t be afraid to make mistakes. You have to learn to enjoy making mistakes. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/13)

2023年03月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
30161.You had it coming (当然の報いだ)used to say that you are not sorry that something bad has happened to someone, because they deserved it 
I’m not surprised his wife left him – he’s had it coming for years. 
30162.Idiom  (慣用句 )a group of words that has a special meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word. For example, ‘under the weather’ is an idiom meaning ‘ill’ 
"To be on top of the world" is an idiom that means to be very happy. 
30163.one on one  (マンツーマン)between only two people 
Virtually all instruction is in small groups or one-on-one
30164. lamb a young sheep /the meat of a young sheep → mutton 
March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb.
30165.existential threat  (存亡の危機  ) 
Civilization is facing an existential threat.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/12)

2023年03月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
30156.alum (卒業生)a former student of a school, college etc 
I never know you were a Vocab University alum. I went to there.
30157.move on (先に進む、気持ちを切り替える)to leave your present job, class, or activity and start doing another one 
You need to move on from your ex and start dating someone new.
30158.virtue  (美徳 )formal moral goodness of character and behaviour OPP vice 
I learned the virtue of patience from my grandmother.
30159.justice(正義、公正さ)informal not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean 
Justice will prevail.
30160.diligent(勤勉な ) fairness in the way people are treated OPP injustice 
If you want to get better at the piano. You have to be diligent. 


2023年03月11日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】


「おまえは異能半兵衛の名を騙った、女はそれを信じて、嫁に来たばかりのおれの妻のところへ、子供を負って泣き込んだ、おれの妻が、どんなにひどい打撃をうけたかわかるか ---妻は今日まで,おれの産ませた子供だと思って、里子にやって面倒を見てきた、するときさまはこんどは、おれの妻に不義の隠し子があるといううわさをふりまいた。・・・遠藤、おれはむかしからきさまの尻拭いをして来た、もうたくさんだ、こんどは自分で始末をしろ、わかったか」


Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/11)

2023年03月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
30151.special move (得意技、必殺技 )to be less than the amount or standard that is needed or that you want  
Please A and B at the same  time to do a special move. 
30152.invincible (征服できない、無敵の ) too strong to be destroyed or defeated 
A star makes you invincible for about 10 seconds.
30153.detour  (迂回) American English a different road for traffic when the usual road cannot be used 類義語 diversion British English 
They were doing road work, so we had to take detour.
30154.ferment(発酵させる、発酵する)if fruit, beer, wine etc ferments, or if it is fermented, the sugar in it changes to alcohol 
Kimchi is made with fermented Chinese cabbage.
30155.yeast(酵母、イースト)a type of fungus used for producing alcohol in beer and wine, and for making bread rise 
Yeast ferments the sugar in the juice.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/10)

2023年03月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
30146.only to   (ただ~する結果となる )used to say that someone did something, with a disappointing or surprising result
I rushed into to the station, only to find the last train had already left. 
30147.misbehave (無作法にふるまう ) to behave badly, and cause trouble or annoy people OPP behave 
If you keep misbehaving in class, you'll be suspended.
30148.slurp (音を立てて食べる )to drink a liquid while making a noisy sucking sound 
Can I slurp my noodles?
30149.unless  (~しない限り)used to say that something will happen or be true if something else does not happen or is not true 
You can't order unless you buy a ticket first.
30150.warn (警告する ) to tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it 
I'm warning you. If you do this again, I'll break up with you. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/09)

2023年03月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
30141.sleep on it ((1日)検討します )spoken to not make a decision about something important until the next day 
I’ll sleep on it some thought and get back to you next week. 
30142.That/It never crossed my mind (頭をよぎったことがない=考えたこともなかった )
Quitting my job? That never crossed my mind. I love what I do .
30143.deep pockets (金持ち / 豊かな財源 )always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs 
The owners of the LA Dodgers have deep pockets
30144.down payment (頭金 )a payment you make when you buy something that is only part of the full price, with the rest to be paid later 
Do you have enough for a down payment? .
30145.Pay out of one's own pocket (自腹を切って支払う )
I pay for health insurance out of my own pocket. 


2023年03月08日 | 爺英語

A group of Japanese researchers has developed new technology that allows users to share their sense of touch. They say it is the first system of its kind in the world.
Researchers from telecom giant NTT Docomo, Keio University, and the Nagoya Institute of Technology worked together on the project.
The system uses sensors to measure the frequency of the subtle vibrations a person feels when touching an object.
This data can then be used to reproduce the vibrations on a device held by another person.
The researchers say the system could help teach and preserve skills that rely on touch, such as traditional craftwork.
They say the technology could also be used by online retailers to allow people shopping for clothing to feel the materials beforehand.

beforehand あらかじめ、事前に     before something else happens or is done s 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/08)

2023年03月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
30136.you’d like  (よろしければ)
I’m sorry we don’t have an opening in that class right now. If you’d like, I can put you on the waitlist. 
30137.I'm good (大丈夫です  )    spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said  happen very soon  
I'm good. I'm getting by somehow. Thanks for the offer though .
30138.ridiculous(ばかげた、ばかばかしい、おかしい )very silly or unreasonable 
He keeps a straight face while telling a ridiculous story. 
30139.meet someone halfway (妥協する / 歩み寄る / 譲り合う )to do some of the things that someone wants, in order to reach an agreement with them 
I'll meet you halfway and sell it to you for $2,300. I can't go any lower than this.
30140.seriously consider (〜を前向きに検討する ) 
We are seriously considering placing an ad on your site.