HITACHINAKA, Ibaraki Prefecture--A park here used pine tree branches, pine cones and other natural materials to create a massive rendition of a tiger, the animal in the Chinese zodiac for 2022.
pine cone(s): 松ぼっくり
rendition: 演出
Chinese zodiac: 干支
The artwork for the Year of the Tiger at the Hitachi Seaside Park was unveiled Dec. 18 and measures 22 meters by 30 meters. Dried kochia plants were used for the tiger’s fur.
kochia: コキア、ホウキグサ
It is best viewed from the park’s Ferris wheel, which takes roughly 15 minutes to make a full rotation. Visitors say the ride gives them an opportunity to snap photos of the tiger from all sorts of angles.
Ferris wheel: 観覧車
The artwork will remain on display until Jan. 10. The park will be closed on Dec. 21, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1.
今日のGetUpEnglishも、昨日、一昨日につづいて、Asahi Weekly, December 19, 2021号に紹介されたAP通信の “'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”の記事を読んでみる。
That moment unfolded after a morning where Harrison watched, silently stewing, as Lennon and McCartney displayed their tight creative connection working on "Two of Us" as if the others weren't there. When a lunch break came, Harrison had something more permanent in mind.
stew(ing): 気をもむ、やきもきする、怒る
"I'm leaving the band now," he says, almost matter-of-factly, before walking out.
After a few days, and a couple of band meetings, Harrison was coaxed to return. The morning he does, the film shows he and Lennon reading a false newspaper report that they had come to blows, and faced off in boxing stances to mock it.
(be) coaxed to: なだめすかして〈人〉に~させようとする
Along the way, Jackson's project dispels and reinforces pieces of conventional wisdom that has solidified through the years.
dispel(s) and reinforce(s) pieces of conventional wisdom: 従来定着した考えをはねつけたり、強化しようとする。wisdomはこの場合は「(人々の)考え」。
今日のGetUpEnglishもAsahi Weekly, December 19, 2021号に紹介されたAP通信の “'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”の記事を読んでみる。
He approached with the fear that it might be a depressing slog.
Lindsay-Hogg's film is viewed as a chronicle of the band's demise -- unfairly, in Jackson's view -- because it was released shortly after the break-up was announced. Individual Beatles reinforced the notion with negative comments about the experience, where they had given themselves a tight deadline to write and record new material in preparation of a live show, with cameras following it all.
depressing slogは「気分が沈むような作業」。slogは「長い骨折り仕事」。次のように使われる。
○Practical Example
Translating the book took ten months of hard slog.
"The connection was incredible," drummer Ringo Starr recalled in a recent Zoom interview. "I'm an only child (but) I had three brothers. And we looked out for each other. We looked after each other. We had a few rows with each other -- that's what people do. But musically, every time we would count in -- one, two, three, four -- we were into being the best we could be."
row(s): けんか。次のように使われる。
◎Extra Example
I had a terrific row with his wife.
Asahi WeeklyのすばらしさはGetUpEnglishでこれまで何度も述べてきた。
わたしはこの英字新聞をAsahi Evening Newsの時代からもう優に30年以上読んでいる。
特にAsahi Weeklyに変わってからは、語注も含めて、毎週隅々まで読んでいる。
この新聞のおかげで、学習意欲が高められるだけでなく、日々の編集や翻訳の仕事のヒントが得られる。Asahi Weeklyには感謝してもしきれない。
そのAsahi WeeklyがDecember 19, 2021号でAP通信の “'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”の記事を、実にわかりやすい注と効果的なレイアウトで読ませてくれている。
The nearly 8-hour, Peter Jackson-produced documentary culled from film and recording outtakes of those sessions instead reveal a self-aware band with a rare connection and work ethic that still knew how to have fun ― yet was also in the process of breaking up.
(be) culled from: ~抜粋された
The "Get Back" series unspools over three days starting Thanksgiving on Disney+.
Produced by a Beatlemaniac for fellow Beatlemaniacs, it can be an exhausting experience for those not in the club. But the club is pretty big. Beyond the treats it offers fans, "Get Back" is a fly-on-the-wall look at the creative process of a band still popular a half-century after it ceased existence.
fly-on-the-wall look: 日常を自然に撮った姿、こっそりと観察して見た様子
fly-on-the-wallは、「人びとの日常をありのまま映した〈記録映画・番組〉; ありのままの〈観察〉」(リーダーズ)
a fly on the wallと名詞としても使われる。
○Extra Point
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when those two get home!
BTSがAmerican Music Awardsを受賞した。
South Korean superstars BTS were crowned artist of the year at the American Music Awards on Sunday, brushing aside challenges from Taylor Swift, Drake and The Weeknd as they took home a total of three awards and teamed up with Coldplay for a raucous “My Universe” and closed the show with “Butter.”
raucous: 騒々しい。この場合はネガティブな意味で使われているわけではなく、「最後は大合唱となる」くらいにとらえればよい。
“Seven boys from Korea, united by love for music, met the love and support from all the armies all over the world,” said BTS’ RM after the group won their artist of the year for the first time. “This whole thing is a miracle. Seriously, we would never take this for granted.”
The band was also named favorite pop duo or group and got the favorite pop song award for “Butter.”
take this for granted: これを当たり前に思う、慣れっこになる
○Practical Example
There are still men who take for granted that bringing up children is women's work.
It’s a neutral pronoun that’s proving anything but: A nonbinary pronoun added to an esteemed French dictionary has ignited a fierce linguistic squabble in the country.
anything butはAsahi Weekly、December 5, 2021のCheck Pointの説明がすばらしい。
anything butはHe is anything but a genius.(彼は決して天才ではない)のように用いられ、「~以外の何ものでもある」⇒「何でもいいが~はだめだ」⇒「決して~ではない」と解釈できます。
nothing but(~以外の何物でもない)の否定を肯定に変えればanything butになります。このbutはexceptと同じで「~のほか、以外です」。したがって、この英文は「それ(後出のlei)は中性代名詞のひとつだが、(フランス国内の反発があり)決してそうはなりえないものだ」となります。
nonbinary: アメリカ英語では一般的で、he or sheやshe or heの変わるに使われる性自認が男性でも女性でもない単数形のtheyのこと。
squabble: 口論
Le Petit Robert introduced the word “iel” — an amalgamation of “il” (he) and “elle” (she) — to its online edition last month. While the term is gaining currency among young people, it is still far from being widely used, or even understood, by many French speakers.
amalgamation: 融合体
gain(ing) currency among: ~に広く受け入れられる。currencyは「流通」。
Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, has vowed on the occasion of her 20th birthday Wednesday to assist her parents as much as possible in their official duties now that she has come of age.
vow(ed) to「おごそかに誓う、…することを誓約する」
vow to doの形でもthat節を取る形でも使われる。
○Practical Example
He vowed that he would never tell anyone about his activity.
"I would like to refine myself and move forward step by step so that I can grow into an adult who can be of service to others," the princess said in a statement released by the Imperial Household Agency.
Official ceremonies to mark the princess's coming of age have been pushed back to the weekend to avoid disrupting her classes at Gakushuin University in Tokyo, where she is currently studying Japanese literature.
A customary coming-of-age press conference has also been postponed to mid-March, when the university is on spring break.
On Sunday, the princess will visit sanctuaries that enshrine the imperial family's ancestors and Japanese gods to offer prayers, and be awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown by her father at the Imperial Palace.
sanctuary> sanctuaries: 神聖な場所
Dressed in formal wear with a tiara, the princess will also greet her parents and her grandparents -- former Emperor Akihito and former Empress Michiko.
Thanking the emperor and empress for their "loving and careful upbringing," the princess also expressed gratitude to "all the people who have been involved in my journey up to this day."
She will celebrate her birthday Wednesday by having a meal with her parents after receiving well-wishes from aides at the palace.
Princess Aiko, who is not eligible to ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne as the 1947 Imperial House Law limits heirs to males, is scheduled to appear to the public for the first time as an adult member of the imperial family on New Year's Day to greet well-wishers gathered at the Imperial Palace in central Tokyo.
"It is heartbreaking to hear that many people have died due to the novel coronavirus," the princess said in the statement, adding that she hopes "a peaceful and vibrant life" would soon come to all.
Princess Aiko enrolled in Gakushuin University in 2020, where she has been attending online classes amid the coronavirus pandemic.
She has also been taking language courses in English and Spanish, as well as Japanese history and traditional arts classes, and said she sometimes exchanges opinions with her parents when working on assignments.
In September, she moved from the Akasaka Imperial Residence, where she had lived for almost all her life, to the Imperial Palace with her parents, who explained her duties as an adult member of the imperial family.
She is said to be as diligent as ever in taking care of her dog "Yuri" and cats "Mii" and "Seven," which she brought along with her from the Akasaka residence.
Reflecting her love for animals and literature, she focused on cats and dogs depicted in literary works in the Heian Period (794-1185) in a report she wrote before graduating from high school.
With the princess's coming of age, the only member of the imperial family that remains underage is Prince Hisahito, the 15-year-old son of Crown Prince Fumihito, the emperor's brother. The young prince is second in line to the Japanese imperial throne.
Congratulations on the coming-of-age ceremony. Wishing you good luck & happiness. I am anticipating your success with all the people in this country.
BTSが米ロサンゼルスのSoFiスタジアムで「BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE - LA」ツアーのコンサートを27~28日に開催。2日間の公演で、10万6千人以上のファンを魅了した。
BTS kicked off its four-night takeover of Los Ang’s SoFi Stadium on Saturday night with a much-anticipated sold-out show that thrilled tens of thousands of proud Army who packed into the venue. The two-hour set, for the boy band’s Permission to Dance On Stage tour, was rife with confetti, smoke, pyrotechnics and — of course — the smoothest of dance moves. But it was the superstar power of BTS’ seven members — RM, Jin, V, J-Hope, Suga, Jimin and Jungkook — that ruled the night.
rife with: ~に満ちみちて、~だらけで
○Practical Example
The university is rife with corruption.
Among the highlights from the show:
Not one person should be surprised to learn that BTS certainly knows how to put on a dazzling performance. From the front row all the way up to seats in the upper levels, everyone in attendance gets an up-close and personal view of their favorite k-pop supergroup thanks to a massive video screen viewable from anywhere in the 70,000-capacity stadium.
up-close: すぐ近くで
◎Extra Example
The highlight of the attraction was having an up-close encounter with an Avenger.
The 95-year-old queen has politely declined the honor of being named "Oldie of the Year" by a British magazine, saying she does not meet "the relevant criteria."
The Oldie magazine on Tuesday published the queen's response to its suggestion that she follow in the footsteps of former recipients, including former Prime Minister John Major, actor Olivia de Havilland and artist David Hockney.
"Her Majesty believes you are as old as you feel, as such The Queen does not believe she meets the relevant criteria to be able to accept, and hopes you will find a more worthy recipient," said a letter from her assistant private secretary, Tom Laing-Baker. He ended the letter "with Her Majesty's warmest best wishes."
このfollowについてのAsahi Weekly, November 7, 2021の解説がまたすばらしい。
Check Point
この用法は米語に多く、英国英語ではshould followとなります。
記事ではsuggestion(提案)が使われていますが、動詞では、suggest / require / insist / order / demandなどが主なものです。
例)The law requires that an election be held within 40 days.(法律では40日以内に選挙が行われる必要がある)
They demanded that the lawmaker step down.(彼らはその議員の辞任を要求していた)
このほか、It is essential that the essays not be long.(論文は長すぎないことが肝心です)のように「必要・当然」などの判断を表す表現にも仮定法現在が使われます。
Asahi Weekly, 最強の英語学習教材だ。
A child of working-class Jamaican immigrants in the Bronx, Colin Powell rose from neighborhood store clerk to warehouse floor-mopper to the highest echelons of the U.S. government. It was a trailblazing American dream journey that won him international acclaim and trust.
It was that credibility he put on the line in 2003 when, appearing before the United Nations as secretary of state, he made the case for war against Iraq. When it turned out that the intelligence he cited was faulty and the Iraq War became a bloody, chaotic nightmare, Powell’s stellar reputation was damaged.
put on the line: 危険にさらした
put.. on the lineは、以下のE-DICの説明がわかりやすい。
直訳すると「~をその線上に置く」ということになるが、ここでのthe lineは「賭け金を置くための目印としてギャンブル台に引いてある線」の意味。したがって、比喩的に「~を賭ける」とか「~を危うくする、危険にさらす」ことを指す。例えばput one's reputation on the lineは「名声を賭ける、危険にさらす」といった意味合いになる。以下のように使われる。
○Practical Example
I put my job on the line when I defended her.
Still, it wasn’t destroyed. After leaving government, he became an elder statesman on the global stage and the founder of an organization aimed at helping young disadvantaged Americans. Republicans wanted him to run for president. After becoming disillusioned with his party, he ended up endorsing the last three Democratic presidential candidates, who welcomed his support.
Superman fell for a reporter and now his son is doing the same, although this time the superhero's love interest is a man called Jay.
fall(fell) for: ~に恋をする。
DC Comics announced on Monday that the new Superman, who is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, will have a romantic relationship with a male friend.
Jon Kent and budding journalist Jay Nakamura struck up a friendship in a story released in August. They will share a kiss in a comic to be published next month, the publisher said, describing Kent as "bisexual".
budding: 駆け出しの
stick(struck) up a friendship: 友好を深める
○Practical Example
Budding young writers gathered at his house at Kita-senju once a week at what was known as a Hashira or Summit Conference.”
"Following a scene where Superman mentally and physically burns out from trying to save everyone that he can, Jay is there to care for the Man of Steel," DC Comics said.
The storyline will feature in Son of Kal-El issue five, due to hit shelves on November 9, the publisher said in a press release headlined "Jon Kent finds his identity”.
George Floyd memorial statue in New York City defaced again
A statue honoring George Floyd in New York City’s Union Square Park was vandalized on Sunday, police said.
deface(d): (見出し)汚損する
vandalize: (公共物・建物などを)心なく破壊する、汚損する
According to police, a video showed an unidentified man on a skateboard throwing paint on the statue at approximately 10 a.m. then fleeing. Nearby statues of late Congressman John Lewis and Breonna Taylor, a Louisville, Kentucky, woman shot and killed by police last year, apparently weren’t touched.
Police have not released the video.
Sunday's act wasn't the first example of vandalism to the statue memorializing Floyd, whose killing at the hands of police in Minneapolis last year galvanized a racial justice movement across the country.
galvanize(d): ~を勢いづける
The statue was unveiled on the Juneteenth holiday in a spot on Flatbush Avenue, in Brooklyn, and it was vandalized five days later with black paint and marked with an alleged logo of a white supremacist group.
unveil(ed): ~のベール[覆い]を取る、~の除幕式を行なう
white supremacist group:白人至上主義団体
Members of the group that installed the statue cleaned it, and local residents and one of Floyd’s brothers gathered in July as it was prepared to move to Union Square, in the heart of Manhattan.
2021年のノーベル文学賞はタンザニア出身のブドゥルラザク・グルナ(1948- )氏が受賞した。
Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature "for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee," the award-giving body said on Thursday.
uncompromising and compassionate penetration: 妥協のない共感にあふれた洞察
a man of penetration 洞察力のある人(コンパスローズ)
Based in Britain and writing in English, Gurnah, 72, joins Nigeria's Wole Soyinka as the only two non-white writers from sub-Saharan Africa ever to win what is widely seen as the world's most prestigious literary award.
Wole Soyinka:詩人で劇作家のウォーレン・ショインカ(1934- )
sub-Saharan: サハラ砂漠以南の
His novels include "Paradise", set in colonial East Africa during World War One and short-listed for the Booker Prize for Fiction, and "Desertion."
The Rolling Stonesの世界ツアーがはじまった。
The Rolling Stone誌が伝えている。
The Rolling Stones have kept a low public profile since the death of Charlie Watts on August 24th, but in a series of new interviews with longtime Rolling Stone writer David Fricke, they talk about the devastating loss, moving forward with drummer Steve Jordan, the song selection for their upcoming tour, and a possible continuation of the tour next year, which happens to be their 60th anniversary.
keep(kept) a low (public) profile: 目立たない
○Practical Example
Ever since they bombed with his last show, that band's been keeping a low profile.
The main topic through all of the interviews was the loss of Watts. “The thing about Charlie was that he was always there, always played beautifully and was always willing to discuss what to do about it – how he could make it better,” Mick Jagger said. “He held the band together for so long, musically, because he was the rock the rest of it was built around … The thing he brought was this beautiful sense of swing and swerve that most bands wish they could have. We had some really nice conversations in the last couple of years about how all this happened with the band. It’s a huge loss to us all. It’s very, very hard.”
he was the rock the rest of it was built around: 彼は岩で、その上にほかのものが作られた
In the faces of Afghans desperate to leave their country after U.S. forces withdrew, Thuy Do sees her own family, decades earlier and thousands of miles away.
A 39-year-old doctor in Seattle, Washington, Do remembers hearing how her parents sought to leave Saigon after Vietnam fell to communist rule in 1975 and the American military airlifted out allies in the final hours. It took years for her family to finally get out of the country, after several failed attempts, and make their way to the United States, carrying two sets of clothes a piece and a combined $300. When they finally arrived, she was 9 years old.
These stories and early memories drove Do and her husband Jesse Robbins to reach out to assist Afghans fleeing their country now. The couple has a vacant rental home and decided to offer it up to refugee resettlement groups, which furnished it for newly arriving Afghans in need of a place to stay.
"We were them 40 years ago," Do said. "With the fall of Saigon in 1975, this was us."
Television images of Afghans vying for spots on U.S. military flights out of Kabul evoked memories for many Vietnamese Americans of their own attempts to escape a falling Saigon more than four decades ago. The crisis in Afghanistan has reopened painful wounds for many of the country's 2 million Vietnamese Americans and driven some elders to open up about their harrowing departures to younger generations for the first time.
vie(vying) for spots on U.S. military flights: アメリカ軍の航空機の座席を競いあう
vie: 競う、競争する
○Practical Example
Ten teams vied with one another for [to win] the championship.
「10 チームが互いに選手権を目ざして競い合った」(コンパスローズ)
harrowing: おそろしい