◯Practical Example
"On graduation day the students offered words of farewell to Mr. K."
"He was really moved by their kind comments."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"There are a lot of famous people among the graduates of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kozue."
"It's because this school has a unique tradition of its own, Nozomi."
◯Practical Example
"In Japan, people greet each other by bowing."
"Yes. A bow ranges from a small nod of the head to a long, 90 degree bend at the waist."
●Extra Point
to take a bowで、「(舞台で)かっさい[拍手]にこたえて頭を下げる」。
◎Extra Example
"We were really moved by the play."
"The actors and actresses took many bows after the final curtain."
今日のGetUpEnglishは、この表現を学習しよう。 to refrain fromの形で使われることが多い。
◯Practical Example
"Please refrain from smoking in this room, Sanji."
"All right, BiBi."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I know you've had a few drinks, but I'd still suggest you should refrain from speaking ill of others."
"Sorry about that."
◯Practical Example
"Satoko, the royalty will be paid to you on annually basis."
"That’s good."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Shizuko received some 1,000,000 yen in royalties for the book."
「静子はその本で約 100万円の印税をもらった」
◯Practical Example
"We liked Nami in the beginning."
"But then she became too demanding."
●Extra Point
「(仕事が)大変な労力[注意、集中力]を要する、(時間などを)とられる」 の意味でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Calculating sales figures and reviewing financial reports is much too demanding for a new employee."
"But he must do that."
◯Practical Example
"A new government study shows that agricultural exports have been going up for six consecutive years."
"That’s good, Noda."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Yesterday was the last day of the four consecutive holidays, so wasn't the freeway jammed?"
"Even though we left very early in the morning, it was the middle of the night before we finally got home."
roomyは「広々とした」。 今日のGetUpEnglishは、この表現を学習しよう。
◯Practical Example
"Mr. J’s house is quite roomy, with five bedrooms."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Sunrise Airlines has expanded economy seats throughout our fleet, giving you the comfort of up to five extra inches of legroom in the front section of the economy cabin."
"Oh, the economy section is roomier, isn’t it?"
◯Practical Example
"I found a lot of mistranslations in Suzuki Shuji’s translation when I compared it with the original."
"The former Waseda professor translated some plays of an American dramatist. But it is filled with mistranslation."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Suzuki Shuji said there was not a single mistranslation in his book."
"But everybody knows that his “American Drama” is filled with numerous mistakes."
本日のGetUpEnglishは、天才ミュージシャンPrince(1958- )のThe Guardianに載ったインタビュー記事から、その印象的なコメントを紹介します。
◯Practice Example
"Michael [Jackson] and I both came along at a time when there was nothing. MTV didn't have anyone who was visual. Bowie, maybe. A lot of people made great records, but dressed like they were going to the supermarket."
●Extra Point
プリンスは派手な演出(flamboyant showmanship)がまた行なわれることになると考えているようですが、次のように厳しいことを言います。
◎Extra Example
"How many people have substance, or are they just putting on crazy clothes?"
「中身のある人がはたしてどれだけいるのかな? みんなただド派手な服を着ているだけじゃないのかな?」
『相棒』Season 10, 昨日で終了しました。神部尊、あんなふうに去っていくのですね。 うーん、やっぱりさびしいです。
◯Practical Example
"Mom, human clones should not be made even though the technology is not difficult."
"Hold your tongue, son."
●Extra Point
cloned animals(クローン動物)という言い方もよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Cloned animals often die at or near the time of birth."
"You received suitable punishment, Dr. Kagami."
○Practical Example
"Haruki Murakami’s novels are really popular overseas."
"Yeah, he’s a fascinating novelist."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mr. K, that was a fascinating crowd at your Translation Workshop class party last night."
"Yes. I was delighted so many students came by."
feel forで、「あわれむ、同情する」。
◯Practical Example
"It's tough failing your entrance exams."
"Yeah. I really feel for him."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I really feel for all the people who have been effected by the recession."
◯Practical Example
"My company will send me to the exhibition in order to initiate business relationship with promising IT companies."
"Great, Toshi. I am sure you can do a good job there."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Toma was sexually initiated at the age of 17".
"Too early."
◯Practical Example
"A child's discipline is his parents' responsibility."
"That’s right, Mrs. Mita."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I was really impressed with Sadaharu Oh’s attitude and discipline towards baseball because he practiced a lot before each game."
"The image of Sadaharu Oh hitting the ball and making a homerun is truly unforgettable for my mind."
英語のことわざに、“All that glitters is not gold.”(光るもの必ずしも金ならず)がある。
◯Practical Example
"Be careful when you buy a new car. All that glitters is not gold!"
●Extra Example
伝説のロック・バンド、レッド・ツェッペリン(Led Zeppelin)は、代表曲“Stairway to Heaven”(天国への階段)で、この“All that glitters is not gold.”がひねった形で使われている。
◎Extra Example
"There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold. And she's buying a stairway to heaven."
「 光るものはすべて金と信じる女性がいる。彼女は天国への階段を買おうとしている」