Preeti Chhibber, Spider-Man's Bad Connectionに次の表現があった。
“We have to do this every year, you realize.” MJ’s voice had a laugh in it. “Nothing else is going to compare to this view, sorry to say, Spider-Man.”
Peter grinned and put his arm around her.
“Mary Jane Watson, I promise you that we will come back here to watch the fireworks for as long as we both shall live.”
long as we both shall live.”
sorry to sayは、「悪いけど」。ここでは、MJが冗談っぽく、少しからかうような感じで「悪いけど、この景色以上のものはないよ」と言っている。「残念だけどね」 という軽い皮肉ととともに、確信を持った言い方なっている。皮肉を込めつつも、もちろん愛をこめて使っている。
本日のGetUpEnglishはSorry to sayとそれに似た言い方を紹介しよう。
○Practical Example
"I think I make the best spaghetti in town!"
"Sorry to say, but my grandma’s spaghetti is way better than yours."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s picnic!"
"Sorry to say, but the weather forecast says it’s going to rain."
"What do you think about my new design?"
"Sorry to say, but I think it needs some adjustments."
☆Extra Extra Point
I'm afraid to say: 残念ながら(よりフォーマルな言い方)。
"I'm afraid to say, but we lost the match."
Unfortunately: 残念ながら(より客観的な言い方)。
"Unfortunately, I have to cancel the trip.”
Sorry to inform you: 残念ながら(ビジネス向き)
"Sorry to inform you that your order is late."