○Practical Example
“What is the subject of your speech next month, Mr. Umehara?”
“The subject? Gosh, I haven’t really decided yet.”
「何について? ああ、まだ何も決めてないよ」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“What subjects are you taking this year, Arlene?”
“Me? I’m taking Japanese, Chinese and Sanskrit.”
「わたし? 日本語と中国語とサンスクリット語よ」
○Practical Example
“I am in dire need of a rest. I haven’t slept for 36 hours.”
“You shouldn’t paint without resting, Lara. It’s not good for you.”
●Extra Point
to be in dire straitsで、「急を要する、緊急の」「極度の」。
◎Extra Example
“I’m in dire straits. I lost my cash card and I’m completely out of money.”
“Quick, Shinnosuke, call the bank and tell them you lost it.”
Dire Straitsという名前のバンドもありますね。
今日は、「週末」と「平日、ウィークデー」を表現する語を学習しよう。 まずは、weekend(週末)の用例を。
○Practical Example
“Hey, Lara, what are you doing on the weekend? Want to go to Saipan with me?”
“No thanks, Shinnosuke. I’m spending this weekend painting a new picture.”
「ラーラ、週末はどうするの? ぼくとサイパンに行かない?」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“How often does the bus to Midori City run on weekdays?”
“Oh, pretty frequently, though I think more people go there on weekends than weekdays.”
○Practical Example
“I hope that Prof. Srelup will allow me to send in my essay by email.”
“Make an appeal to him, Kazuhisa. I’m sure he’ll say it’s okay.”
●Extra Point
to appeal(懇願する、懇請する、請う)もよく使われる。to appeal toの形で用いられる。
◎Extra Example
“I appealed to Prof. Srelup, but he said I couldn’t send in my essay by email.”
“That’s because he still doesn’t know how to use a computer properly.”
○Practical Example
“Lara has a great facility when it comes to painting.”
“She’s amazing. They say she is someday going to be a great painter.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“The new housing complex in Ebisu has great facilities.”
“They even have a cinema and a beautiful new public bathhouse.”
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
“Excuse me, but can I use your facilities?”
to nixは、「〈…を〉拒絶[拒否]する。
○Practical Example
“Cuba offered help to the hurricane victims, but the American government nixed it.”
“They did, didn’t they. And the people of New Orleans suffered.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Aid from Cuba was nixed by the American government.”
“That’s right. And a lot of people suffered because of it.”
○Practical Example
“Can you please tell me the route from Kyoto to Otsu?”
“Sure. Just get on that road and drive over the mountain.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“How did you get this package from Moscow to Sydney so quickly?”
“It was routed through Tokyo. They are really fast at routing packages there.”
to replaceは、「(ものを)取り替える, 交換する」。古いものを新しいものに交換するという意味でよく用いられる。
○Practical Example
“I’m going to have to replace this mobile phone. The battery keeps running out.”
“Oh, can I have it? I collect old mobiles.”
「ああ、それもられない? ぼく、古い携帯を集めてるんだ」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“It’s going to be hard to find a replacement for Suzuki.”
“Yeah, he’s been such a great umpire. The baseball world is losing one of its heroes.”
昨日のGetUpEnglishでは“I couldn’t care less.”という表現を復習した。今日学習する“I don’t give a stuff.”も同じ意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
“You know, Madeleine, Colin doesn’t love you anymore.”
“I don’t give a stuff. I never loved him either.”
●Extra Point
“I am not bothered.”も似たような意味で用いられる。
◎Extra Example
“I’m not bothered by it at all. Colin is a man who can’t be trusted.”
“You say that now, Madeleine, but you did love him once.”
all eyes onは、「……にあらゆる人の視線が集まって、すべての人が注目して」。
○Practical Example
“All eyes are on the stock market these days.”
“Not me, Paul. I couldn’t care less about the stock market.”
couldn’t care lessは大事な表現だ。『日めくり現代英語帳』上巻の2月21日のレッスンを参照。
●Extra Point
be all earsもよく使われる。意味は、「一心に耳を傾ける」。
◎Extra Example
“I can tell you how to master English in two weeks, Setsu-san.”
“I’m all ears, Patrick. But are you sure I can master it in only two weeks?”
to arouse an interest inは、よく使われる表現で、「興味をそそる、好奇心をうながす」
○Practical Example
“Prof. Srelup aroused my interest in biology, so I became a biologist.”
“And then you got the Nobel Prize! So, you obviously made the right choice.”
「そして君はノーベル賞を取ったんだ! ほんとうに正しい道を選んだね」
●Extra Point
to arouse excitement(興奮をうながす、興奮させる)もよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
“When Prof. Masuyama got the Nobel Prize, it aroused a lot of excitement at Prof. Srelup’s old school.”
“Too bad Prof. Srelup isn’t alive now.”
○Practical Example
“Miyazawa has written many beautiful tales.”
“They can be read by people of all ages.”
●Extra Point
tall tale, あるいはtall storyは、「ほら」。
◎Extra Example
“Jukichi says he caught a fish yesterday that weighed 200 kilos.”
“That sounds like a tall tale to me. It probably weighed 200 grams.”
○Practical Example
“I want to buy Louise a microscope for her 11th birthday.”
“That’s a wonderful choice of present, Mrs. Pasture.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I can see all sorts of little microscopic animals, mum.”
“Good, honey. Now, put away the microscope and help mummy with the dishes.”
to enticeは「誘う、誘惑する」。
○Practical Example
“Geoff is enticing me to go with him to Saipan.”
“Don’t go, Julie! You’ll be making a big mistake if you do.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Geoff’s offer is enticing. But I told him I wouldn’t go.”
“Good. I hope he goes to Saipan and stays there.”
○Practical Example
“Geoff says he doesn’t like black people.”
“Geoff’s a bigot. Stay away from him.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Geoff is so bigoted. He hates people of certain nationalities.”
“Stay away from him, Julie. He’s a horrid person.”