Douglas Wolk, All of the Marvels: An Amazing Voyage into Marvel’s Universe and 27,000 Superhero Comics(2022)に、
Ever since then, Galactus has mostly been a presence of overwhelming, impossible catastrophe in Marvel’s comics, a world-exterminating force, older than the universe itself, against which there can be no resistance. His presence signifies that a story in which he appears is meant to be taking place on the level of what one character in Fantastic Four #49 calls “the great cosmic game of life and death.” Which is to say: he is all the way out of Squirrel Girl’s league.
he is all the way out of Squirrel Girl’s league.
be out of …'s leagueは、「~とは格が違う、~には手が届かない」だ。
○Practical Example
"She’s out of my league, as she’s so intelligent and successful."
"The luxury car was out of my league due to its high price."
"He knew the prestigious university was out of his league, but he applied anyway."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"She felt the designer dress was out of her league, but she couldn’t resist trying it on."
☆Extra Extra Point
"It's okay for you to just wear it."
It is okay for you just to wear it.とするよりは、It's okay for you to just wear it.とするほうが流れがよい。
he is all the way out of Squirrel Girl’s league.
ではもうひとつ、all the wayという言い方も注意してほしいと思ったが、これは明日のGetUpEnglishで!