to be elatedは、「大喜びで」といった意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
“I was elated when I heard the news that Tanizaki got into Kyodai.”
“Well, Mrs. Makioka, he’s a clever guy, that Tanizaki.”
●Extra Point
to jump for joy(小躍りして喜ぶ)も、同じような意味で使われる。
◎Extra Example
“I jumped for joy when I got into Kyodai.”
“Congratulations, Tanizaki. You deserve it.”
to deserveの使い方については、『日めくり現代英語帳』上巻の1月21のレッスンをご覧ください。
この語はよくto make a noise(騒ぐ、騒ぎたてる)の形でよく用いられる。
○Practical Example
“The neighbors were making a lot of noise last night.”
“Why didn’t you phone them to tell them to be quiet?”
●Extra Point
副詞noisily(大きな音を立てて、 騒々しく)もよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
“The neighbors were playing music noisily last night.”
“Well, you should complain to them, Sakaguchi.”
○Practical Point
“Mariko’s very energetic. She gets up at 5:00 and goes for a long walk.”
“Five? That’s much too early for me. Five?!”
「5時? ぼくには考えられないぐらい早い時間だ。朝の5時だよね?」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“We have to attack the problem energetically, Watanabe.”
“Okay, boss. I’ll get up early every morning to work on it.”
mixed upは意味が二つある。一つには、「……をよく混ぜ合わせる、ごちゃまぜにする」といった意味で用いられる。
○Practical Example
“I can’t find Ms. Murata’s name card in this pile.”
“Sorry. They’re all mixed up. I should put them in order.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Mrs. Hase’s daughter is all mixed up. I think she needs to see a psychiatrist.”
“She’s not mixed up. She’s perfectly normal. A lot of teenage girls are like her.”
to gatherには少なくとも二つの意味がある。一つには、「集める」「集まる」の意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
“We all gathered at the temple to hear the monk talk.”
“That’s nice, Kenji. Was the talk interesting?”
●Extra Point
to gatherは、「……と推測する」の意味でも使われる。以下の例を見ていただければおわかりのように、「……だそうですね」といった感じでよく用いられる。
◎Extra Example
“I gather that you’ve written a novel, Kenji.”
“Yes, I have. But I’m not showing it to you or anyone!”
over my headは二つの意味がある。まずは文字通りの「……の頭越しに、……を飛び越えて」の意味で使われる例を紹介する。
○Practical Example
“Why didn’t you catch the ball, Matsumoto?”
“Sorry, coach. It flew right over my head and I couldn’t reach it.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Well, Hashimoto, did you figure out the math problem?”
“No, Prof. Mendel. It’s over my head. I can’t understand it at all.”
○Practical Example
“The bullet missed us, thank goodness.”
“Well, Mr. Ryan, you were sure lucky.”
●Extra Point
to bite the bulletはよく使われる表現で、「じっと苦痛をこらえる[我慢する]、いやなことに敢然と立ち向かう」。
◎Extra Example
“I’m going to have to bite the bullet and study day and night for the test.”
“That’s right, Uozumi. You won’t get your driver’s license if you don’t pass the test.”
○Practical Example
“Luckily, we caught our plane, despite the traffic jam.”
“Well, Mr. Ryan, did you and your wife have an exciting trip?”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“We were attacked by a shark in Australia, but we luckily escaped.”
“So, Mr. Ryan, you and your wife did have an exciting trip after all.”
○Practical Example
“The job will cost you about $20,000, Mr. Lightfoot.”
“Can you give me an accurate estimate, please?”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“That company’s estimates are always very inaccurate.”
“Let’s use another company. I need to know accurately how much something is going to cost.”
今日はto go downの意味を二つ紹介する。まずは、「(食べ物・薬などが)飲み込まれる、のどを通る」で使われる例を紹介する。
○Practical Example
“How’s the beer, Gustav?”
“It goes down real nice. I could drink this forever.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Did you tell the boss your idea, Hashimoto?”
“Yes, I did. But it didn’t go down well. He said, ‘That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard.’”
○Practical Example
“It’s a bit chilly today, isn’t it.”
“Even during the rainy season you get days like this.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Relations between Britain and Russia are a bit chilly now.”
“They are pretty chilly. I hope they warm up soon.”
○Practical Example
“I want to invest on a large scale. Any advice for me?”
“Yes. Start first by investing on a small scale.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I want to make a large-scale investment. Any advice for me?”
“Yes. Start first with a small-scale investment.”
○Practical Example
“Was your first marriage really so bad, Dan?”
“Well, in retrospect, I guess it wasn’t. I learned a lot.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I went to a great Bacon retrospective last week.”
“Did you, Mr. Shell? Is it still on?”
「シェルさん、あれに行かれたんですか? まだやってますか?」
○Practical Example
“There will be a royal wedding in Britain someday soon.”
“Really? Are you talking about Prince William?”
「ほんとう? それはウィリアム王子の結婚式?」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“My brother got me into a royal mess. Now I’m broke.”
“If you want to borrow money, Zach, sorry but I don’t have any to give.”
to get into a mess で、「困ったことになる、混乱する、紛糾する」。
○Practical Example
“Did that joke amuse you, Kate?”
“No, William, it didn’t. I found it crude.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I find Harry really amusing. He’s always telling funny jokes.”
“Do you? Well, to each his own.”
「そう思うか? まあ、受け取り方はひとそれぞれだからな」