"Your guess is as good as mine."はクリーシェ表現で、「(あなたと同様)わたしにもわかりません」という意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"Do you think this book will sell well?"
"Search me. Your guess is as good as mine."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Gmail, Google Alert, Google Earth, Google Street View. What comes next from Google, Marissa?"
"Your guess is as good as mine, Eric. Their revolutionary innovations continue to lead the IT industry."
"I am telling you."はクリーシェ表現で、「(後続の話を強めて)本当なんですよ、本当なんだが」。
○Extra Example
"I give you my word. I am telling you that Yabuki defeated Rikiishi in the boxing match."
"Yabuki beat Rikiishi? I can’t believe that.
「矢吹が力石に勝ったのか? 信じられないぜ」
"I give you my word."で、「面目にかけて人に約束する[誓う]」。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Believe it or not, I am telling you that Tange, the old man, used to be a professional boxer."
"Are you sure? That’s why he wants Jo to be a boxer. Now I understand."
「ほんとうか? だからおっさんは丈をボクサーにしたいんだ。やっとわかったよ」
to be hooked intoで、「……に接続されている、……に引き込まれている」
○Practical Example
"At most universities today, the buildings and other facilities are hooked into wireless internet systems."
"Exactly. Students and the faculty can use their laptops anywhere."
facultyはこの場合は、「(大学の)(学部)教員」。the facultyで複数形になる。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Who can help us with our plan to get rid of the crazy boss?"
"Talk to Saito. He's hooked into the network of important people in the company. He'll quietly let them know about the boss's incompetence."
○Practical Example
"Tan Twan Eng's Gift of Rain is a marvelous story which perfectly combines fact and fiction."
"Yeah, I found it very interesting. The story is not only exciting to read, but also faithful to history. It is a masterpiece."
「Tan Twan Engの『雨の贈り物』は驚くべき小説で、事実と創作が完璧に融合している」。
Tan Twan EngのGift of Rain, わたしも大変興奮して読みました。
(ところで、Tan Twan Engは日本語ではどう表記すればよいのでしょうか?)
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Is Haruki Murakami's "1Q84" fact or fiction?"
"It is absolutely fiction. There is no question. But Murakami investigated the social conditions of the era thoroughly and wrote a perfectly understandable story. I think it is a masterpiece."
「村上春樹の『1Q84』は実際の物語? それともフィクション?」
to investigateは、昨日のGetUpEnglishで学習した。
to investigateで、「調査する、捜査[探索]する」。
○Practical Example
"I want them to thoroughly investigate the cause of the accident."
"Exactly. They absolutely have to do it in order to prevent the same thing from happening again."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Stuart always says “I am an author, so I write my stories and articles by my imagination.”
"He is completely wrong as an author. Even though you are writer, if you try to write real people or real incident, you have to investigate those things thoroughly. It is duty for authors."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Example
"The police are making a thorough investigation of the suspect."
"I'm glad. We should know soon why the cruel murder happened."
○Practical Example
"Takashi is invincible in argument."
"Yeah, but his technique is to never listen to what you have to say."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Masao is invincible in golf."
"I know. But it is natural because he plays golf every weekend. He would be a great success if he threw himself into his work like he does into golf."
in a bid to…で、「……しようと試みて」。
○Practical Example
"In a bid for a promotion, Takeshi tried to highlight his successes of his 20-year career to his boss."
"But his accomplishments really didn't amount to much, did they?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"In a bid to save a child who was drowning, Yuri jumped into the river."
"And she rescued the boy safely. Yeah, she was our hero! And she will be received a certificate of commendation from the police!"
「ああ、有里はぼくらのヒーローだ! そして警察から表彰状を受けるんだ」
日食は、solar eclipse.
○Practical Example
"I saw a solar eclipse 46 years ago, Mick."
"Great! How old were you at that time, Charley?"
「すげえ! チャーリー、そのとき何歳だった?」
●Extra Point
「皆既日食」は、a total eclipse of the sun.
◎Extra Example
"I went to Akuseki Island to see the total eclipse of the sun. But it rained!"
"I'm sorry to hear that, Erika. Especially since you came all the way from Spain just to see it."
○Practical Example
"Yutaka is a real killjoy. Every time we come up with an idea for having a good time, he always kills the buzz."
"You shouldn't associate with such a boring man."
to kill one’s buzzで「しらけさせる、水をさす」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Steve never wants to have anything fun."
"Yeah, he's a real killjoy."
naysayerは、「否定する人、 反対する人」。
○Practical Example
Ben wonders what he can do to persuade the usual naysayers at the next meeting.
They object everything but do not submit an alternative idea.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Prof. Inoue is a dyed-in-the-wool naysayer. He never does anything for himself, but always criticizes me."
"Neglect him. He is just envious of you. By criticizing people who are doing their job properly, he is just satisfied."
cannot stop doingで、「……しないわけにはいかない」。 GetUpEnglishをご覧いただいている方は、この言い方を当然ご存知と思います。
○Extra Example
"I know it's bad for my health, but I just can't stop drinking."
"Moderate drinking is okay. But drinking too much is hard on your health."
●Extra Point
もちろん、can’t stop doingの形でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
"For some reason I can't stop thinking about that comment Michael made."
"He was a great teacher. I miss him and I owe him a lot."
Michael Jacksonの1987年のヒットチューンに、 “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You”があります。
to be tickled pinkで、「(人を)非常に喜ばせる」。
実はこの表現は、2009/05/04のGetUpEnglishのPractical Exampleの例文で紹介しました。
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、to be tickled pinkの使い方を学習します。
○Practical Example
"The girls will be tickled pink that Michael is here."
"Yeah. They will absolutely cry for joy."
●Extra Example
◎Extra Example
"Ben-san was tickled pink to hear that his son’s that craft won the first prize in his elementary school."
"It was indeed well-done. Ben-san should be proud of him."
○Practical Example
"I was impressed by the acumen of these young salespersons."
"Me too. They really knew their business."
●Extra Point
business acumenで「商才」。
◎Extra Example
"Without sharp business acumen, it is difficult to make a success of a new venture."
"Exactly. We always have to keep one eye on everything."
to keep one eye on somethingで、「(一方で何かしながら)……にも注意している、気をつけている、……を気にしている」
○Practical Example
"Yuko? She’s the new knockout in our sales department."
"Yeah. All the guys in our company are head over heels for her."
head over healsで、「すっかり、完全に」。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Have you already read Miura Shion’s 'It Is Blowing Hard'?"
"Of course. It's a knockout and the made it into a movie."
gustoは「心からの楽しみ」であり、with gustoで「熱心に、いかにも楽し[おいし]そうに」という意味でよく使われる。
本日のGetUpEnglishでは、このwith gustoという表現を学習しよう。
○Practical Example
"My hungry kids ate with gusto at the family restaurant."
"Good. Children should enjoy meals with their family."
●Extra Example
with great gustoという言い方もよくする。
◎Extra Example
"Steve and Woz were always together and ate their meals together with all great gusto."
"They were very compatible; a good couple."