credibleは「信用できる、確かな」。 今日のGetUpEnglishは、この表現を学習しよう。
◯Practical Example
"Kagawa’s explanation was barely credible."
"You can't trust the guy."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I think reading books is the best way to get information effectively."
"Exactly. By reading carefully we can get very credible information which we cannot get from the Internet or watching TV."
◯Practical Example
"I am afraid you could not get enough salary from this job, Michael."
"It’s okay. I exactly feel the job can be very meaningful for me."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Michael Jackson said 'Love is the human Family's most precious legacy.'"
"The words are becoming more and more meaningful for us as the years passed."
◯Practical Example
"Sorry, all the items on your list are out of stock now."
"Okay, but can I order?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Talk about a particular goal you have had in your life."
"My main goal in my life is to make my family happy. But after the devastating earthquake hit my country last March 11, another major goal is added to my list. I want to support and help the victims in the disaster- stricken areas."
Visual designs have been rapidly extended to wider media among video and interactive installations, short films, mobile applications and user interface design. This book showcases the work created in WOW’s 15 years for a wide range of original visual works as well as commercial projects from interactive installations for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Sendai Mediatheque in Japan, short films for the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan and mobile applications such as addLib and VisuaMusio to video works for the Japan Pavilion at the International Architecture Exhibition, Venice Biennale, advertising projects for Canon, TOYOTA, Moët & Chandon, SONY, PSA Peugeot Citroën and DuPont, and user interface design
for mobile companies.
「最盛期」と考えて、in the prime of one’s careerを使えばいいと思う。
TOEIC SWテストやTOEICで出されるような質問に答える形で、例文を示す。
◯Practical Example
"Some people prefer to start their own company and be their own boss. Others prefer to work as an employee in a company. Which do you prefer?"
"Several years ago I wanted to be an employee of a company. I wanted to do a good as an employee of a company. But, I'm now in the prime of my career. So, I want to start my own company and be a boss."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Some people prefer to work in a large company while others prefer to work in a small, starting company. Which do you prefer?"
"Several years ago, I preferred to work in a large company. If you are in a large company, you can get paid with high salary and life-long employment from the company. But now I'm now in the prime of my career, and I'm really confident in starting my own company with coworkers I can trust on."
◯Practical Example
"Shiori is very cheerful and disposed to laughter."
"Yes, everybody loves her."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Your mother seems to be a person disposed to depression."
"I don’t think so, dad."
◯Practical Example
"The manager is imposing rigorous training on Uchida."
"It indicates how highly he regards his talent."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Recently, the wrist strap of Take’s game console controller broke while playing rigorous game of baseball."
"The controller hit his father in the face and gave him a bloody lip."
instrumentalは、名詞では「器楽曲」の意味で使われる。音楽の好きな人はおわかりだろうが、ヴォーカルの入っていない曲は、この表現で呼ばれると思う(例を挙げれば、かなり古いが、The Beach Boysの "Pet Sounds"あたりになるだろうか?)
この語は形容詞でも使われる。そしてbe instrumental in …ingで、「(……するのに)役に立つ、貢献する」の意味で使われる。
◯Practical Example
"Nobuo Kamioka was instrumental in introducing Japanese Rugby to the world."
"Yes, he is great."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Miho's help with the project was instrumental in enabling the team to finish on time."
"Yes, she's really dependable."
◯Practical Example
"This fragrance is remarkably effective in reviving anyone who has been overworking."
"It soothes an irascible mood, too."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Doesn't this book have an unusual smell, Fuyuko?"
"It seems to have a slightly sweet fragrance."
across the boardは「一律に、あらゆる点で」。
◯Practical Example
"We are willing to cooperate across the board."
"Thank you very much!"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"TV ratings are down across the board for most dramas and sitcoms."
"But DVD rentals of those same TV shows are way up."
◯Practical Example
"Is the medication one of the most effective drugs for alleviating headache, doctor?"
"Yes, it is."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The expressway will come into service next month."
"It will help alleviate traffic congestion in the city."
動詞helpのあとは原形不定詞(bare infinitive)がくる。
◯Practical Example
"A short time ago, the Meteorological Agency issued a large typhoon warning for the Kanto region. For the sake of employees’ safety, the office will close at 3 p.m. today. Conditions are deteriorating rapidly, so please take care, if you are driving."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Some kinds of canned food tend to start deteriorating in about 6 months."
「ある種の缶詰食品には、約6 ヵ月で品質が落ちる傾向がある」
"Some papers deteriorate rapidly while others appear to be little affected by the passage of time."
I am currently learning English at RareJob, which is an online English school that uses Skype as their communication tool. This type of learning is really up my alley.
We can learn English at RareJob with their unbelievably reasonable tuition fee.
I've been studying English at RareJob since the latter part of January this year. I've learned English with RareJob tutors almost every day except for the time when I miss a few classes.
I will never forget the lesson I had last March 11th.
As you all know, on that day the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit our country and more than 15,000 people were killed, in addition to that more than 400,000 people were forced to move in the evacuation centers after losing their houses.
On that day, most of the public transportation systems in metropolitan Tokyo were out of order.
I was forced to go back home on foot, and I walked for two hours.
Even though I had already booked the lesson in RareJob on that date, I had to cancel it. I didn’t feel like having a lesson.
But when I went back home at 11pm, I wasn’t doing anything, so I decided to have a lesson in RareJob.
The tutor that I had the lesson with listened very kindly to what I said. I told her about what happened in Japan on that day. She was very concerned about what happened in Japan and she wept with me.
That’s why I'm really proud of the service of RareJob and the kindness of the tutors.
無料体験レッスンが2回できますので、ぜひお試しください。 わたしはレアジョブをはじめて、ほんとうによかったと思っています。
そしてup for grabsは、俗語で「(だれにでも)容易に手に入る」の意味で使われる。
◯Practical Example
"Hey, you guys, don't fool around. Don't forget your jobs are up for grabs. Okay?"
"Yes, sir. We’ll work hard."
「おい、おまえら、ぶらぶらしてるんじゃねえよ。ほかのやつに仕事をもってかれちまうぞ? わかったか?」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Has anyone bought that jacket yet?"
"No, Mr. Koyama. It's still up for grabs if you want it."
◯Practical Example
"How do you handle inquiries, Dave?"
"Let me show you, Malcolm."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"We don't want such a man to handle affairs of state."