結婚をする(getting married)時はもちろんそうですが、この英語の表現を使う時もどうかご注意ください。今日はこのto marryという表現を紹介します。
○Practical Example
"Kathy married the most wonderful man, or at least she thought so at first."
"Yeah. After they were married, he was really awful to her."
to marryには何も前置詞が付かないことに注意。
●Extra Point
to get marriedが使われるときは、to get married toとうしろにtoが付く。
◎Extra Example
"Kathy got married to a wonderful man, or at least she thought so at first."
"Yeah. After she got married to him, he started to get violent."
to clear upで、「晴れる、晴れ上がる」ことを表現する。
○Practical Example
"Yesterday was really dark and rainy."
"It was. But today it's apparently going to clear up and be really nice."
●Extra Point
to clear upはもちろんごく短い時間「晴れ渡った」ことも表現する。
◎Extra Example
"What was the weather like yesterday in Kamakura, Drew?"
"Awful. It cleared up for about 10 minutes around noon, then the rain came back."
○Practical Example
"What's the weather like outside, Junko?"
"It's nice and sunny. Perfect day for you to do the washing, honey."
●Extra Point
「日がさしているが、寒い」(sunny and cold)こともある。sunnyだからといって、「ぽかぽか暖かい」(hot)わけではない。
◎Extra Example
"What's the weather going to be like today?"
"They say it'll be sunny. But the high is only eight degrees."
○Practical Example
"What's the weather like outside, Junko?"
"It's freezing. You better take your heavy sweater."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Hey, Bob, your lips are all blue."
"I'm freezing, Julia, that's why. Turn on the heater, will you!"
○Practical Example
"Don't be so timid, Takahiro. Go to the teacher and tell her the homework is too hard."
"I wish I could, Sachiko, but timidity prevents me from doing things like that."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I'm so shy, I would never go up to a teacher and talk to them."
"Well, if shyness prevents you from doing it, you'll just have to do the homework."
○Practical Example
"Do you want to have dinner at home or eat out tonight?"
"Let's stay home, honey. I like your cooking better than a restaurant's."
「今夜はご飯を家で食べたい? それとも外で食べたい?」
●Extra Point
電話やメールで食事を注文し、それをレストランに取りに行くこともできる。「食事を店内で食べずに持ち帰る、持ち出す」ことを、アメリカではto goを使って表現する。一方イギリスおよびオーストラリアやニュージーランドなどでは、to take awayが使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Hello, I'd like to order two large pizzas, please."
"Thank you. To go or to eat here?"
「ありがとうございます。店内でお召し上がりですか? それともテイクアウトされますか?」
to orderの用法は、2006/11/16のGetUpEnglishでご紹介しました。
○Practical Example
"The arrival of the police was very timely."
"Yes. It's a coincidence that they came just after the accident."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Pushkin's untimely death, at such a young age, was a tragedy."
"If only he could have lived longer!"
「何かにストップをかける」(to put a stop to something)というのは、それを「終わらせる、終止符を打つ」ということ。
○Practical Example
"I am going to put a stop to all that noise coming from next door."
"Leave it, honey. It's only kids having a good time."
●Extra Point
to put an end to itとも言える。
◎Extra Example
"I wish someone would put an end to all the bullying going on at school?"
"Yeah, the principal could put a stop to it, if he wanted to."
「乱雑である」「取り散らかっている」、あるいは「めちゃめちゃである」、「困った[収拾のつかない]状態である」と言いたいときは、a messを使って表現する。
○Practical Example
"American foreign policy is a real mess now."
"I don't agree, Kerry. Everything is fine all over the world."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Oh God, my hair is a real mess today. It so messy."
"Why don't you go to the beauty parlor, Anna, and get a perm?"
「アンナ、美容室に行ったら? パーマをかけたらどう?」
to make a fussで「大騒ぎする」という意味にもなる。
○Practical Example
"I'm sorry to make such a fuss about the noise yesterday."
"No, Mrs. Albert. It's our fault. The children who came to Lorrie's party were much too noisy."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Eleanor is really fussy about what she wears."
"She's a bit too fussy. She takes two hours to get dressed sometimes."
☆Extra-Extra Example
to be fussyは「細心の注意を要する」といい意味で用いられることもある。
"I'm very fussy about how I do a Powerpoint presentation."
it countsで、「大切である、重きをなす」「……の価値がある」という意味も示す。
○Practical Example
"I don't feel like voting in the election."
"You should vote, Mr. Suzunari. It counts."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I'm not going to vote. One person's vote doesn't count, really"
"Yes it does, Mr. Honda. Every vote counts."
to go Dutch[dutch](オランダ式でいこう)というと、「各人自分の分を払う、(食事代を)割り勘にする」という意味になる。
○Practical Example
"Can we go Dutch this time, Yukio?"
"Sure, Yasunari. The bill is too much for one of us to pay."
●Extra Point
to go Dutch[dutch]の代わりにseparate checksとも言う。
◎Extra Example
"We'd like separate checks, please."
"That's fine. I'll bring them to your table momentarily."
the billは、「勘定書、請求書」「請求額」のこと
○Practical Example
"Excuse me. I'd like the bill now."
"Thank you. Please pay at the cash register."
●Extra Point
the billの代わりにthe check(伝票、勘定書、請求書)も使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Can I please have the check now?"
"Certainly. I'll bring it right away."
○Practical Example
"We'd like to order now."
"Okay, I'll be with you shortly."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Examples
"Hello, is this 'Kushiyaki Hyakumanben'?"
"Yes, hold the line please. We'll be with you momentarily."
「そうです。このままちょっとお待ちいただけますか? このあとすぐにおうかがいします」
GetUpEnglishでは、これから何日かかけて、レストランで使うのに便利な表現をご紹介します。 まずは、「注文する」のto orderから始めましょう。
○Practical Example
"Excuse me, I would like to order now."
"Sure. What would you like to order?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Excuse me, but is my order ready?"
"I'll go check on it immediately."