今日はこのNew Year’s Eve(大みそか)です!
○Practical Example
"I gave my place a thorough cleaning, and finished writing New Year’s cards to my friends."
"So, you can have a warm and quiet New Year’s Eve."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"We Japanese eat soba, or buckwheat noodles, on New Year's Eve. We believe that by doing this our lives will become long and simple, like the noodles."
"I want to follow this custom on New Year's Eve! "
今年もGetUpEnglishをご閲覧いただき、誠にありがとうございました。12月11日からは上杉隼人一人で執筆・更新を続けていますが(もちろん、知り合いのnative speakerにチェックしてもらってから、UPしています)、どうか2009年もGetUpEnglishをよろしくお願いします。
どうかみなさま、よいお年を。Have a good new year!
○Practical Example
"Hello. Something is wrong with my computer ― I can't open Outlook."
"OK. What happens when you try to open the program?"
「もしもし? パソコンがちょっと変です。アウトルックが開かないのです」
●Extra Point
「故障してしまっている」「動かない」という時は、not workingを使うといい。
◎Extra Example
"My computer isn't working and needs repair."
"Unfortunately our customer support center is closed for the New Year holiday. I'm afraid we can't help until they reopen Jan. 4."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"My computer isn't working and needs repair."
"Unfortunately our customer support center is closed for the New Year holiday. They'll be able to deal with your problem after they return on Jan 4."
待ち合わせなどで、「彼は遅いな」と言えば、“He is late.”でよいが、「足が遅い」とか、「パソコンの動きが遅い」という時は何と言えばいいだろうか?
どちらも状況に応じてslow, slowlyを使って表現すればいい。
○Practical Example
"My son runs slowly. He is always last in his races."
"But I hear from my daughter that Take-chan is extremely bright and always at the head of his class."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"My computer is very slow. It takes about 3minutes to boot up when I turn it on."
"I think it is better for you to buy a new computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor."
'The noise of time' ensures that art's unbowed spirit is heard
「的を外す」は、miss the target。
○Practical Example
"An Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George, but George quickly dodged them."
"The shoemaker had a rush of orders from all over the world. I envy the company."
●Extra Point
「的をよくねらう」は、take good aim atだ。
◎Extra Example
"Take good aim at the catcher’s mitt, Maa-kun. It’s necessary for you to have superb ball control."
"All right, boss."
「(何か飛んできたものを)かわす、よける」は、to dodgeで表現すればよい。「ドッジボール」(dodge ballあるいはdodgeball)のdodgeだ。
○Practical Example
"George quickly dodged the shoes that came flying at him."
"He could be a great dodge ball player."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"George always dodges his responsibility about diplomatic policy."
"He is a man of double-dealing."
○Practical Example
"I can't believe the US never seriously struggles to resolve global environmental problems."
"The president has his head in the sand."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I can't believe the US never seriously struggles to resolve global environmental problems."
"The president doesn’t want to see the truth."
日本語の「つまらない」はどんな英語にしたらいいか? 状況に応じて訳語を考える必要がある。
○Practical Example
"I hope I can spend time with you on New Year's Day, Maki."
"I'm sorry, but you're so boring to be around. I want to be alone that day. Have a good new year."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I found the author’s new book uninteresting."
"She's a very talented writer and I really love her. But I'm afraid she shot herself in the foot with her latest work."
shoot oneself in the foot は、口語表現で、「へまをしてけがする」「よけいなことをして自分から災いを招く」。
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"This is nothing special, but I hope you like it."
"Oh, thank you very much."
to hang upは「受話器を置く、電話を切る」という意味でよく使われる。upが用いられているからか、誤解してしまっている学習者も多いようだ。
○Practical Example
"As Kazu hung up the phone, he cried. His mother had called to tell him his father had died suddenly."
"Oh, I am sincerely sorry to hear that. "
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Please hang up your coat on that hunger, Pete."
"I will. Thank you very much."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Point
"We were hung up in a traffic jam for an hour."
"That street is always crowded. You should have taken a back road."
○Practical Example
"A massive building is under construction in town."
"They say it will be a fire station. I think it will make our town safe."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mr. Matsuda died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage yesterday. He was 58."
"Oh, too young! I am so sorry to hear that."
「まあ、まだ若いじゃない! ほんとにお気の毒です」
「止まる」とか「止む」というと、われわれはto stopをすぐに口にしてしまうが、to ceaseもよく使われるので、注意しよう。
○Practical Example
“The rain ceased at last.”
“Let’s go outside and play baseball.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“The publication of the Rising Generation will cease with the March issue next year and reborn as a web magazine.”
“We love the magazine and hope the print version will come back in the near future.”
☆Extra Extra Point
without cease(絶え間なく)という言い方もよく使われる。
★Extra Extra Example
“It has rained without cease for three days.”
“I'm sure it'll be clear tomorrow.”
To conform at times is neither a Japanese diktat nor a sellout of self
to resignは、「辞職する、辞任する、辞める」
○Practical Example
“Kameyama resigned as detective and moved to Myanmar.”
“Ukyo-san feels really sad because he lost his very important partner who cannot be replaced.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Kameyama handed in his resignation.”
“It was a great shock to even Itami.”
アメリカでは、adopted child(養子)を受け入れる家庭も多い。
○Practical Example
"Steve and Lori live happily in Los Angeles with their two children--one adopted and one biological."
"On whom they dote."
to doteは、「溺愛する、猫かわいがりする」。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The real father of Madonna's adopted son feels bitterly disappointed that she is getting a divorce."
"He would be better off back with the biological father."