○Practical Example
"The chairperson is a deft hand at conducting proceedings."
"Thanks to him, our meetings always end on time."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"He mixed his speech with deft touches of humor."
"All audience enjoyed his talk."
○Practical Example
"Noriko may seem very demure."
"But when she gets into an argument about investment trusts, she can give as good as she gets."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"In an era of X-rated stage productions from the likes of Rihanna and Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift stands tall as a clean-cut wholesome American ― a demure diva of apple-pie sweetness."
○Practical Example
"Leia really lovesHan."
"And she accepted his personal idiosyncrasies."
●Extra Example
◎Extra Example
"Job seekers should bear in mind certain idiosyncrasies of the pyramid structure of the labor market."
on the subject of…で、「…に関して[について]」。
○Practical Example
"Aretha was very voluble on the subject of women's rights."
"And you too, Yoko."
●Extra Example
◎Extra Example
"On the subject of herbal medicine, Dr. Inoue said traditional Asian remedies are becoming more popular in North America."
○Practical Example
"I believe Takako’s article is well-written."
"But Mr. Deguchi does not evaluate it very highly."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"What should I do in your company?"
"Your primary responsibility will be to analyze and evaluate all sales data."
○Practical Example
"Store managers are going to meet to determine whether they should institute a new system for addressing customer complaints."
"We definitely need it."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Point
"A lottery has been instituted to raise funds for the construction of highways throughout this country."
tenureは、「在職期間、任期」。 今日のGetUpEnglishはこの語を学習する。
○Practical Example
"The president's tenure is 3 years."
"When is the next election?"
「学長の任期は一期3 年だ」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Throughout his tenure at, Mr. Morin developed key relationships with influential bloggers and online media outlets."
"This established the company’s position as a leader in the field."
「マーセル・ドット・コムに在職中、 モーリン氏は有力なブロガーやオンライン・メディアとの関係を発展させた」
![]() 英日翻訳に加えて、日英翻訳、英文ライティングをす ることが多くなった。1日のメールの半分は英語で書いている。
そんな状況なので、英語便にはほぼ毎日お世話になっている。英文を提出すると、ほぼ48時間以内に戻してくれるのでありがたい。またTOEIC SWやTOEFL iBTも定期的に受けているが、こちらの学習でも大変助けられている。こうしたテストにあわせたコースも最近は用意されているので、すごく助かる。
先日21日のTOEIC SWテスト対策のために、Opinion Qustionを一つ書いて、提出した。問題は次のものだった。
Write an opinion essay (30 Minutes 300 Words)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "The customer is always right." Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. こちらを573語も書いてしまったのだが、次のように懇切丁寧に添削されたものが戻ってきた。
01.I disagree with the statement that the customer is always right. Let me explain my opinion from my experience as an editor at a publishing house.
03.Fundamentally, makers manufacturers including publishers like us should try to satisfy our customers completely with our products. In order to do that, we are working very hard every day to provide them a perfect item for them. However, some of them products could never satisfy with them, even though they seem to have the best ones products they've never had.
05.I am an editor working for one of the most established publishers in this country. In my 24 year career, I have published 200 books including very comprehensive dictionaries. In 2007, I have finally published very educational and informative English-Japanese dictionaries which took us more than 10 years. I was so pleased to know that most of our customers are truly satisfied with our products and they kindly appreciate our hard job work . However, someday one day a customer called me to tell that our crystallization of long years has a lot of mistakes. I politely dealt with him to let me know about those mistakes. After talking with him, however, I found that he could caught only one misprint. He was right. In our dictionary, the word "impeccable" was written as "impecable." I was terribly sorry of for my readers. By telling me that only misprint, however, the customer strongly criticized us by saying that our dictionary is filled with mistakes . I would like to say that nobody is perfect and our dictionaries are not "impeccable" either. Of course we editors and lexicographers should try to avoid any mistakes and misprints, but such mistakes cannot be avoided. I would like to our customers to kindly understand that. I believe our dictionary helps customers study English a lot. However, some of them never try to appreciate our effort and keep on criticizing us with very strict words.
07.In addition, they sometimes try to attack us by posting negative comments on a website. That is becoming a big problem among us.
09.After the advent of the Internet and online bookstores , the way to people purchase books has rapidly changed. Now many customers enjoy shopping at an influential online bookstores like It is very sad again to see that there are many vicious comments on some merchandise which seemed to be very good for to me. As an editor, I need to check our customers' responses after putting out our each of our products . To see a negative comment on our merchandise is unbearable. Although some of the comments they insist might be right, most of them are not, and I suspect that some reviews have been written with a special purpose. With those negative comments, the reviewers try to make the customer not to buy our products. Due to such negative comments, our sales sometimes are forced to drop rapidly. To my sadness, those nuisance reviews of nuisance are sometimes written by our competitors or people who strongly support them. They wrote those reviews even though they have never read or experienced it. It is not healthy for us to criticize each other. And I must say that the customers who wrote those inappropriate reviews should consider what they have done.
11.Some customers always criticize makers manufacturers even though they have one of the best things from them. Furthermore, they sometimes distribute give manufacturers a bad reputation of makers by posting vicious reviews on the web. These are the reasons why I must say that customers are not always right.
オレンジ:スペルミス/紫:変更されたワード/赤:付加された必要ワード/緑:不必要なワード/青:意味が解りづらいもの/不自然な言い回し/青緑 : Impressive!(自然/クリエイティブな表現)
○Practical Example
"This magazine targets the housewife demographic."
"And it is very popular among them."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"This larger size option works well with consumers younger that its target demographic."
1. It’ll cost around 50 dollars.
2. It’ll cost about 50 dollars.
3. It’ll cost approximately 50 dollars.
デイビッド・セインの『ネイティブが教える ほんとうの英語の前置詞の使い方』には、次のように記されている。
○Extra Point
1. 大体50 ドルぐらいかかる。
2. 約50 ドルかかる。/ 50 ドルはかからない。
3. ほぼ50 ドルかかる。
about は、「約…」だけでなく「…の前」のニュアンスもあるため、「約50 ドルかかる」だけでなく、「50 ドルはかからない[50 ドル未満で抑えられる]」という意味にもなります。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I'd like to get my mom a nice gift for about 10,000 yen."
『ネイティブが教える ほんとうの英語の前置詞の使い方』、大変便利だ。
「大体、約」を表わす語に、around, about, approximatelyがある。
デイビッド・セインの『ネイティブが教える ほんとうの英語の前置詞の使い方』には、それがわかりやすく記されていた。
○Practical Example
次の例文を、around, about, approximately の違いを出して日本語にすると、どうなるでしょう?
1. We’ll get there at around 3:00.
2. We’ll get there at about 3:00.
3. We’ll get there at approximately 3:00.
1. 大体3時頃にそこへ着くよ。
2. 3時をめざしてその頃にはそこへ着くよ。
3. 3時頃にそこへ着くよ。
about = around と考えている人は多いようですが、ネイティブは「about はaroundより正確で、around はabout より大雑把」に感じます。そのため、1のaround 3:00 は「大体3時頃」とかなり曖昧で幅のある表現ですが、2のabout 3:00 はaround より3時 に近い、より正確な時間を指します。
またaround は「…頃、約…」の意味しかありませんが、about には「…頃、約…」のほか「…の前」というニュアンスがあります。
たとえば、It’s around 3:00. なら「大体3時頃だ」ですが、It’s about 3:00. なら「(今3時前だが)もう少しで3時だ」となります。
3 のapproximately は副詞ですが、around やabout の代わりによく使われます。about に近い使い方で、大体ではあるが、なるべく正確に表現したい場合に用います。正確な値に近いことを強調した語、と考えてもいいかもしれません。We’ll get there at approximately 3:00. は「ほぼ3時で、前後するとしてもほんの数分」というイメージで、It’s approximately 3:00. なら「ほぼ3時だ」となります。曖昧な順に並べれば、around → about / approximately となるでしょう。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"What time are we boarding?"
"We will be boarding the airplane in approximately 10 minutes."
1. It’ll cost around 50 dollars.
2. It’ll cost about 50 dollars.
3. It’ll cost approximately 50 dollars. の違いはどうだろうか?
『ネイティブが教える ほんとうの英語の前置詞の使い方』、ぜひ1冊備えておきたい。
○Practical Example
"What is the best way to deal with this problem?"
"Take an eclectic approach."
●Extra Example
◎Extra Example
"In addition to the TOEFL text book, I am now writing a biography of William Wordsworth."
"You’re so eclectic, Gaz."
○Practical Example
"The safeguarding of fundamental human rights is expressly stated in the text of the Constitution."
"In addition, the renunciation of war is expressly stipulated."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Corporate policy expressly prohibits the personal use of company vehicles except when authorized in advance by a department manager."
動詞trespassは「侵入する、侵害する」。 今日のGetUpEnglishは、この表現を学習する。
○Practical Example
"Clear off!"
"Yeah, you're trespassing on my property!"
「そうだ、 おまえは,人の土地に無断で入ってきているんだぞ!」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I shall trespass on your hospitality, then."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Trespassers will be held accountable for any violations that occur in unauthorized areas."
be held accountable for…で、「…に対して説明責任を負う」
○Practical Example
"This scholarship has been established to venerate the memory of Mr. Maemura."
"He was an illustrious author and translator."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Point
People venerate that mountain as the one on which the grandson of the Sun Goddess descended to earth.