昨日のGetUpEnglishでは、「もちろん、いいとも」の意味で返答で使われるsure thingを学習した。
今日のGetUpEnglishは昨日につづいてsure thingの言い方を学習する。
○Practical Example
"When it comes to horse racing, there's no such thing as a sure thing."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Hiroko's promotion is a sure thing."
sure thing.は口語表現で返答に使われ、「きっと、必ず、もちろん、いいとも」。
○Practical Example
"Would you mind picking me up at Bay at on the Arrivals level?"
"Sure thing."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I'll have a ham sandwich and a beer."
"Sure thing! Anything else?"
○Practical Example
"Noriko fell in love with a burly fisherman."
"And she lives in the island with him."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Summer vacation where I grew up in the States was burly 12 weeks."
○Practical Example
"The site doesn't seem to deal with people who hide behind their anonymity."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"To preserve the interviewees’ anonymity, we have electronically altered their voice."
unpretentiousは「[ほめて] 見えを張らない、飾らない、控えめの、けんそんな」。
○Practical Example
"How was the party yesterday?"
"It was very unpretentious and relaxed. I had a great time."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Masami has many friends."
"No doubt her unpretentious nature draws everybody to her."
throw inはサッカーの「スローイン」などでわかるように「投げ込む」。だが、状況によっては、「(売り物などに物を)おまけ[付属品]として添える」の意味で用いられる。
○Practical Point
"I'll throw in another rose free."
「バラを 1 本おまけしておくよ」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"If you buy two bottles of wine from us at full price during this month, we’ll throw in a third for free."
confidantは、「(秘密、特に 恋愛問題などを打ち明けられる)親友」。
○Practical Example
"Mr. K has no trustworthy confidant."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Noriko has always been one of my closest confidantes, and consistently gives excellent advice."
on the ballは、「油断がない、よく心得て、機敏に反応して、能力がある、すぐれたところがある」。
○Practical Example
"The news sales manager is really on the ball."
"Yes, he is very reliable too."
●Extra Point
have a lot on the ballの形でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Mr. Yamaki has a lot on the ball. He showed his stuff as a director, producer, and actor in this new drama."
○Practical Example
"Every time she thinks of her new boyfriend, she goes starry-eyed."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Most starry-eyed social theories are based more on hope than reality."
bouncerは「巨大な人[もの]、はねとぶ人[もの]」、さらには野球で「内野手の前でバウンドした打球」などいろいろな意味があるが、「(劇場・料理店・ナイトクラブなどの)用心棒、 迷惑客の追出し係」の意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
"The nightclub bouncer gave two drunks the heave-ho."
give someone [something] the (old) heave-hoは、「~を捨てる、お払い箱にする、放り出す、クビにする」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"R. A. Salvatore earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications/Media from Fitchburg. He earned this degree in 1981 and later a Bachelor of Arts in English. Before taking up writing full-time, he worked as a bouncer."
○Practical Example
"You say "we can save the earth." I must say it is the height of hubris."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It’s a comment on how shocked we all are when one of our cultural icons dies. Prince, David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Lemmy: they’re our gods, in a way. So when they die, we have to question our immortality. Even I, as a rock star, have to question my own. It’s the bittersweet realisation that hubris doesn’t mean anything in the end."
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/sting/95108#fjydt8OqXdUdtDH0.99
○Practical Example
"Things are static now, but this initiative may bring some movement."
●Extra Point
静電気はa static electricity
◎Extra Example
"I got a static electricity shock when I touched the car door."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Don't give me that static. Let me do it my way."
in a class of [on] one’s ownで、「それだけで一類をなして、比類がない、すばらしい」。
○Practical Example
"When it comes to writing page-turners that keep you in spy fiction, John le Carré is in a class of his own."
"Yeah, I’m really into his works these days."
●Extra Point
in a class by oneselfの形でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
"As a translator, Kyoko is in a class by herself."
"Yes, we’re always impressed with her superb translation."
snuffは「かぎたばこ」であるが、up to snuffで、「 申し分ない、(健康が)良好で)の意味で使われる」。
「その仕事が十分にできる」(good enough to perform a task)の意味でも使われる。
○Practical Example
About 900 referees are currently registered with the volleyball federation.
About 200 are up to snuff for big international tournaments, Mr. Meyer said, a pool from which the federation chose 36 referees from five continents for Rio. (WSJ)
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
Our boy's grades are not quite up to snuff, but I'd still like to put him into some school with a good name.
be bound to...で「確実に…するはずである、きっと…する」。
◎Extra Example
"I'm really depressed. My job isn't going well at all. I can't go on, Yoshi."
"You'll be fine, Charile. Things are bound to look up."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Noriko is going out with Mick. Oh God, I’m miserable.”
“So? Let her go out with him, Aaron. You’re bound to find a new girlfriend soon.”
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Considering the recent boom in new construction, the price of construction material is bound to climb."