ガーシュウィン ポギーとベス
9246.take the initiative(自発的に)
If you want to succeed, you must take the initiative in life!
9247.price reductions(値下げ)
The store is offering big price reductions.
It was a mistake, but it wasn't intentional.
9249.a great deal(お買い得)
I got a great deal in this TV.
9250.take responsibility(責任を取る)
The CEO took responsibility and resigned.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

If you want to succeed, you must take the initiative in life!
9247.price reductions(値下げ)
The store is offering big price reductions.
It was a mistake, but it wasn't intentional.
9249.a great deal(お買い得)
I got a great deal in this TV.
9250.take responsibility(責任を取る)
The CEO took responsibility and resigned.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
