城ヶ島の雨 小柳ルミ子
144261.check in(本を図書館に返却する)
Don't forget to check in your library book by Friday.
14427.check with(人に相談する、~に問い合わせる)
The clerk checked with her supervisors to confirm the price of the product.
14428.check baggage through(~までずっと荷物を預ける)
Are you checking baggage all the way through to New York?
14429.lead in(話、演奏などの口火を切る)
Let me lead in the conversation, then you can join me later.
14430.lead someone astray(社交的な、外交的な)
I've led you astray, we took the wrong turn somewhere.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Don't forget to check in your library book by Friday.
14427.check with(人に相談する、~に問い合わせる)
The clerk checked with her supervisors to confirm the price of the product.
14428.check baggage through(~までずっと荷物を預ける)
Are you checking baggage all the way through to New York?
14429.lead in(話、演奏などの口火を切る)
Let me lead in the conversation, then you can join me later.
14430.lead someone astray(社交的な、外交的な)
I've led you astray, we took the wrong turn somewhere.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
