「花嫁人形」 小鳩 くるみ
14496.drill something into(物事などを~に教え込む)
That's something my mom drilled into me as I prepared to enter the working world.
One of my mom's favorite admonition was never order the most expensive item on the menu.
14498.surf and turf(シーフードとステーキのセット)
Never go for the surf and turf if you 're not picking up the check.
14499.spruce up(おしゃれをする、めかしこむ)
My dad would always tell me to spruce up and try to look good when I was getting ready to go out on a big date.
Try to be kind to everyone:the secretary, the intern, the nerdy coworker.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

福山市 鞆の浦
That's something my mom drilled into me as I prepared to enter the working world.
One of my mom's favorite admonition was never order the most expensive item on the menu.
14498.surf and turf(シーフードとステーキのセット)
Never go for the surf and turf if you 're not picking up the check.
14499.spruce up(おしゃれをする、めかしこむ)
My dad would always tell me to spruce up and try to look good when I was getting ready to go out on a big date.
Try to be kind to everyone:the secretary, the intern, the nerdy coworker.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

福山市 鞆の浦