可愛いベイビー :コニー・フランシス / Prettyt little Baby :Connie Francis
14521.1.bundle someone off to(人を~に送り込む)
What tips did your mother give you before bundling you off to summer camp?
14522.be into(~に夢中になっている)
I was really badminton when I was a kid.
14523.horseback riding(乗馬)
I took part in activities like horseback riding and canoeing.
That made for a well rounded summer camp experience.
If lunches and dinners at the camp were mediocre, you could always start the day off right with cereal and fruit.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

福山市 鞆の浦
What tips did your mother give you before bundling you off to summer camp?
14522.be into(~に夢中になっている)
I was really badminton when I was a kid.
14523.horseback riding(乗馬)
I took part in activities like horseback riding and canoeing.
That made for a well rounded summer camp experience.
If lunches and dinners at the camp were mediocre, you could always start the day off right with cereal and fruit.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

福山市 鞆の浦