A group of people has celebrated one of the most successful Hollywood movies of all time ― "Gone with the Wind." They were marking the film's 75th anniversary at an event near Atlanta, Georgia, where the story is set.
The 1939 Oscar-winning movie is a historical romance set against the backdrop of the American Civil War. It's based on the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell. The film won 10 Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Actress.
Former actor Mickey Kuhn, who had played a role in the movie, joined Friday's event. The participants attended a drink-and-dance party, dressed in Civil War period costumes.
"I've read the book, seen the movie, and I think there are a lot more avid fans here than me."
A prequel to Mitchell's novel is planned to be published this year.
◆of all time 史上~の、空前の
◆mark ~を記念する、~の記念である
◆Oscar-winning movie アカデミー賞受賞映画
◆against the backdrop of ...~が背景になっている
◆American Civil War アメリカ南北戦争
◆period costume その時代の衣装、時代物の衣装
◆avid fan 熱烈なファン
◆prequel 過去を描く続編