

U.S. TO SEND ADVISORS TO IRAQ 「米 イラクに軍事顧問派遣」

2014年08月14日 | 爺英語

U.S. President Barack Obama has laid out his plan to help Iraq's leaders. Obama says he's sending up to 300 military advisors to help security forces in Iraq repel advancing Islamist militants. But he says U.S. combat troops will not return to the country.

(Barack Obama / U.S. President)
"The United States will continue to increase our support to Iraqi security forces. We're prepared to create joint operation centers in Baghdad and northern Iraq to share intelligence and coordinate planning to confront the terrorist threat of ISIL."

Obama said U.S. military leaders will be prepared to take targeted and precise action in Iraq if necessary. He said the U.S. will promote diplomatic efforts between Iraq and its neighbors, and he said he's sending Kerry to the Middle East and Europe this weekend to discuss the crisis.
Obama said Iraqi leaders must rise above their differences. He said they must come together around a political plan for their country's future, and he called on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to govern with a more inclusive agenda.

lay out  (正式に)明らかにする
up to ...      最大で
security forces     治安部隊
repel         撃退する
advancing         進軍する、前進する
Islamist militant     イスラム過激派
joint operation center   共同作戦本部
intelligence       諜報(活動)
confront  立ち向かう
ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)イラク・レバントのイスラム国
rise above ... ~を克服する、~を超越する
inclusive   包括的な

Daily Vocabulary(2014/08/14)

2014年08月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
15016.monitor(to observe or check something for a special purpose over a period of time)
We'll be able to monitor progress with this system.
What is the benefit of installing this?
15018.stand out(際立つ、突出する)
This one stands out from the other systems.
15019.progress report(進捗状況報告)
How frequently can we get progress report?
15020.in real time(リアルタイムで)
We can get them in real time.
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