

Release Me - Engelbert Humperdinck

2014年08月25日 | 洋楽ヒットソング
Release Me - Engelbert Humperdinck

Engelbert Humperdinck

Release me

Please release me, let me go
For I don't love you anymore
To waste our lives
Would be a sin
Release me and let me love again

I have found a new love, dear
And I will always want her near
Her lips are warm while yours are cold
Release me my darling, let me go

Please release me, let me go
For I don't love you anymore
To waste my live would be a sin
So, release me and let me love again

Please release me, can't you see
You be a fool to cling to me
To live a life that bring us pain
Release me and let me love again

Daily Vocabulary(2014/08/25)

2014年08月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
15071.blow out(吹き消す、パンクする)
Make a wish and blow out the candles.
15072.lose control of(~のコントロールを失う)
He almost lost control of his truck.
15073.pull over(車を道の片側に寄せる)
Let's pull over and help the poor guy.
I do. I misplaced my jack.
His front left tire us wobbling.
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