

EMISSIONS INCREASED IN 2013 「温室効果ガス排出量 過去最大に」

2015年01月22日 | 爺英語

Japan emitted the largest amount of greenhouse gases on record during the last fiscal year. Officials at the Environment Ministry blame the rise on increased emissions of carbon dioxide from manufacturing and other plants. They also point out the increased use of fossil fuels since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Preliminary figures released by the ministry on Thursday show the country produced close to 1.4 billion tons of heat-trapping gases in fiscal 2013. That's an increase of 1.6 percent from the figure a year earlier and the most since comparable data became available in 1990.
The government is trying to cut emissions by 3.8 percent from 2005 levels by fiscal 2020. It set the target after considering the fact that all the country's nuclear plants remain offline. However, fiscal 2013 emissions represent a 1.3 percent increase from 2005 levels.
Ministry officials plan to strengthen measures to achieve the reduction goal. They say they will promote the introduction of renewable energy sources and conservation measures.

emission      排出
carbon dioxide  二酸化炭素
preliminary figure  速報値
heat-trapping gas  温室効果ガス
represent       示す、~となる
conservation    節約、保全

Daily Vocabulary(2015/01/22)

2015年01月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
15821.commercially viable(商業的に成り立つ、採算の合う)
It won't be commercially viable until at least five years from now.
15822.tried-and-true method(絶対確実な、実証済みの方法)
Scam artist use tried-and-true method of urging people to get in on the ground floor with graphene and make a killing.
15823.smoke and mirrors(人を欺くもの、巧妙なトリック)
But it's all smoke and mirrors、sorry to say.
And of course you never see any of your alleged winnings.
You also get people fraudulently asking for maoney for charityies or people playing on elderly people's loneliness with romance or sweetheart scam.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
