尾崎豊 卒業 - Yutaka Ozaki - graduada GRADUATION
16921.It's largely thanks to(それは~によることが大です)
It's largely thanks to a surfer.
16922.take under one's wing(~の面倒を見る)
He took me under his wing.
16923.exhilarating(気分を浮き立たせる,陽気にする; 爽快(そうかい)な.)
Wine is exhilarating.
She has no-nonsense about herself.
He is a archaeologist's assistant.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It's largely thanks to a surfer.
16922.take under one's wing(~の面倒を見る)
He took me under his wing.
16923.exhilarating(気分を浮き立たせる,陽気にする; 爽快(そうかい)な.)
Wine is exhilarating.
She has no-nonsense about herself.
He is a archaeologist's assistant.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News