17031.perfect solution(理想的な解決策)
That's the perfect solution.
17032.have a moment(~な思いをする)
I have an upsetting moment.
17033.lose face(面目を失う)
I lost face at work.
17034.keep a straight face(笑いをこらえる)
My colleagues couldn't keep a straight face.
17035.a slip of tongue(口が滑る)
It was just a slip of tongue.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That's the perfect solution.
17032.have a moment(~な思いをする)
I have an upsetting moment.
17033.lose face(面目を失う)
I lost face at work.
17034.keep a straight face(笑いをこらえる)
My colleagues couldn't keep a straight face.
17035.a slip of tongue(口が滑る)
It was just a slip of tongue.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News