Tonight, when bus drivers tempt fate, taking their eyes off the road to text or make a call, those few seconds can lead to disaster. And now, it's the passengers who are on alert, armed with those same electronic devices, catching some of these drivers in the act.
(Bus passenger)
"The bus driver was on his phone listening to music. And then he was texting, wasn't paying attention at all to the road."
A local station, reporting on this Greyhound bus driver caught texting by a passenger. Another driver in Maryland, using his iPad while taking families to an amusement park.
Mere seconds of distraction can turn deadly. These two little girls and a teacher's aide were killed, when their bus slammed into another last December. Police in Tennessee, now saying that driver was texting before the crash.
◆tempt fate 向う見ずに危険を冒す、無謀なことをする
◆take one's eyes off ~から目をそらす
◆text 携帯電話でメールを打つ、送信する
◆on alert 警戒して、用心して
◆armed 武装した
◆in the act 現行犯で
◆distraction 気が散った状態、注意力散漫
◆deadly 致命的な、命取りの
◆aide 助手
◆slam into ~にぶつかる、突入する