16981.health conscious(健康志向)
Health conscious road warriors don't see why they should have to turn into junk-food junkies.
16982.be sick and tired(~にウンザリしている)
I am sick and tired of getting on the scale after yet another business trip.
16983.things are looking up(好転している)
Things are apparently looking up for job seekers.
Competition amng companies to attract talented has become much more intense.
16985.skill set(技能の一揃い)
It's a seller's market for people with the right skills set.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Health conscious road warriors don't see why they should have to turn into junk-food junkies.
16982.be sick and tired(~にウンザリしている)
I am sick and tired of getting on the scale after yet another business trip.
16983.things are looking up(好転している)
Things are apparently looking up for job seekers.
Competition amng companies to attract talented has become much more intense.
16985.skill set(技能の一揃い)
It's a seller's market for people with the right skills set.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News