Next tonight, to a type of crime spree that hits when families take vacation. You're about to see video of the man stealing thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, according to authorities. ABC's Kayna Whitworth, with a warning for any family thinking about taking time away.
Watch. As this man enters a New York City apartment, nonchalantly digging through drawers. He made off with thousands of dollars worth of jewelry from three different apartments over the long 4th of July holiday weekend. Police, releasing the video in hopes of identifying the thief. And in Seattle, this burglary, also caught on surveillance tape while the homeowners were on vacation.
But more important than catching a burglary on camera is preventing it. Experts say don't post your vacation plans on social media. This family went on vacation to Las Vegas last year, posting about their trip on Facebook, only to realize they'd tipped off burglars.
"While we were gone, he was here, taking us for everything we have."
(Cyber-security expert)
"They are telling anybody that has access to your account, or has access to social media. You're telling them where you are going to be and where you are not going to be."
◆crime spree 短時間に次々と犯罪を重ねること
◆nonchalantly 平然と、無頓着に
◆dig through ~の中を探す、~の中を探る
◆make off with ~を持ち去る
◆identify 特定する、身元を割り出す
◆surveillance 監視
◆tip off 押し込み、住居侵入窃盗