22931.mindset(習性となった考え方、思考態度)someone’s general attitude, and the way in which they think about things and make decisions
Let's talk about 3 essential mindset to become a better English speaker.
22932.get rid of(を免れる、取り除く、追い払う、処分する)o throw away or destroy something you do not want anymore
Get rid of the idea that you have to speak correct English.
22933.OK(よろしくて、だいじょうぶで、オーケーで、間違いなしで)used to show that you agree with something or give permission for someone to do something
It's OK to make mistakes. It's your second language
22934.pay attention(堪能な / 熟練者 / 達人)able to do something well or skilfully
Pay attention to other, NOT yourself.
22935.scatterbrain(頭の散漫な人、気の散る人、そわそわした人)not thinking in a practical way, so that you cannot do things or you forget or lose things
I am scatterbrained.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Let's talk about 3 essential mindset to become a better English speaker.
22932.get rid of(を免れる、取り除く、追い払う、処分する)o throw away or destroy something you do not want anymore
Get rid of the idea that you have to speak correct English.
22933.OK(よろしくて、だいじょうぶで、オーケーで、間違いなしで)used to show that you agree with something or give permission for someone to do something
It's OK to make mistakes. It's your second language
22934.pay attention(堪能な / 熟練者 / 達人)able to do something well or skilfully
Pay attention to other, NOT yourself.
22935.scatterbrain(頭の散漫な人、気の散る人、そわそわした人)not thinking in a practical way, so that you cannot do things or you forget or lose things
I am scatterbrained.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News