マゼール:R・コルサコフ「スペイン奇想曲」 0001
22981.willpower(意志の力、自制心)the ability to control your mind and body in order to achieve something that you want to do
She has stronger willpower than me!.
22982.succeed in(為す、成す、物にする、してやる、出世する、立身する、成功する)so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly
Try harder so that you can succeed in your exams, too!
22983.venture out(思い切って出かける)the process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to finishing or achieving something
Why don't you venture out do see a bit more of Japan?
22984.end up(最後には〔…に〕なる 〔in〕; 〔…で〕終わる 〔with〕.)to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it
If you tried Chris's cooking, you might end up in the hospital.
22985.grumpy(気難しい、不機嫌な)bad-tempered and easily annoyed
If you were less grumpy you would make far friends.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

She has stronger willpower than me!.
22982.succeed in(為す、成す、物にする、してやる、出世する、立身する、成功する)so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly
Try harder so that you can succeed in your exams, too!
22983.venture out(思い切って出かける)the process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to finishing or achieving something
Why don't you venture out do see a bit more of Japan?
22984.end up(最後には〔…に〕なる 〔in〕; 〔…で〕終わる 〔with〕.)to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it
If you tried Chris's cooking, you might end up in the hospital.
22985.grumpy(気難しい、不機嫌な)bad-tempered and easily annoyed
If you were less grumpy you would make far friends.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
