22941.A night owl(夜型タイプの人 / 夜更かしする人)
You're such a night owl. I'm the complete opposite. I'm in bed before ten.
22942.I am upset((…で)ひどく取り乱して、気の狂った) unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened
She is upset because she feels like everyone is blaming her.
22943.That's a major upset!(大番狂わせ)
I always root for the underdogs. I love watching upsets.
22944.I have an upset stomach.(おなかの調子が悪い)an illness that affects the stomach and makes you feel sick
Cindy can't come out tonight because she has an upset stomach.
22945.in the same boat(同じ立場にいる / 同じ状況である)
I'm on the same boat. Tax season is killing me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You're such a night owl. I'm the complete opposite. I'm in bed before ten.
22942.I am upset((…で)ひどく取り乱して、気の狂った) unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened
She is upset because she feels like everyone is blaming her.
22943.That's a major upset!(大番狂わせ)
I always root for the underdogs. I love watching upsets.
22944.I have an upset stomach.(おなかの調子が悪い)an illness that affects the stomach and makes you feel sick
Cindy can't come out tonight because she has an upset stomach.
22945.in the same boat(同じ立場にいる / 同じ状況である)
I'm on the same boat. Tax season is killing me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News