

Daily Vocabulary(2019/02/04)

2019年02月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
22946.feel down(気が沈む;気分が沈む)
Dad...if Mom were feeling down, what should I write to cheer her up?
I'm hungry and my stomach's growling.
22948.awesome(畏怖(いふ)の念を起こさせる、荘厳な、畏敬の念に満ちた、うやうやしい、印象的な、すばらしい)extremely impressive, serious, or difficult so that you feel great respect, worry, or fear
This is the movie that Ken says is awesome.
22949.simply(非情に、全く)used to emphasize what you are saying
It was simply fantastic.
22950.greet(あいさつする、迎える、歓迎する、触れる、目に入る) to say hello to someone or welcome them
She greeted me with a smile.

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