原大輔 秋冬.wmv
22996.watchword(合い言葉)a word or phrase that expresses an attitude or belief
Fair play has been our watchword for many generation.
22997.wrongdoing(不正行為)illegal or immoral behavior
Companies are starting to understand that preventing wrongdoing costs less than dealing its aftermath.
22998.aftermath(二番刈り、(戦争・災害などのあとの)状態、余波、直後の時期)the period of time after something such as a war, storm, or accident when people are still dealing with the results
The aftermath of a fire is always sad.
22999.bribery(わいろ、贈賄(ぞうわい)、収賄)the act of giving bribes
It forbids bribery or kickbacks in any form to anyone in the public sector.
23000.erosion(浸食、衰え、低下)the process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea
Excessive logging results in deforestation and soil erosion.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Fair play has been our watchword for many generation.
22997.wrongdoing(不正行為)illegal or immoral behavior
Companies are starting to understand that preventing wrongdoing costs less than dealing its aftermath.
22998.aftermath(二番刈り、(戦争・災害などのあとの)状態、余波、直後の時期)the period of time after something such as a war, storm, or accident when people are still dealing with the results
The aftermath of a fire is always sad.
22999.bribery(わいろ、贈賄(ぞうわい)、収賄)the act of giving bribes
It forbids bribery or kickbacks in any form to anyone in the public sector.
23000.erosion(浸食、衰え、低下)the process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea
Excessive logging results in deforestation and soil erosion.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News