

Daily Vocabulary(2019/02/17)

2019年02月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
23011.offensive(いやな、不快な、(…に)いやで、不快で、感情を害するような、無礼な、侮辱的な、攻撃的な)very rude or insulting and likely to upset people
Some of his jokes are offensive though.
23012.cost-effective(費用効果がある)bringing the best possible profits or advantages for the lowest possible costs
I'm afraid it wouldn't be cost-effective.
23013.progress進歩、発達、発展、前進、進行、成り行き、経過)the process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to finishing or achieving something
We've made excellent progress, so should we call it a day?
22014.eye-opener(目を見張らせるようなもの、真相を示す新事実、寝起きの一杯、朝酒)an experience from which you learn something surprising or new
A visit to a farm is an eye-opener to a city child.
23015.place value on(価値を置く)to decide that something is important
Most people place too much value on money.

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