

Daily Vocabulary(2019/02/25)

2019年02月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
23051.big mouth(おしゃべりな人,口が軽い) spoken someone who has a big mouth cannot be trusted to keep things secret
Careful. She has a big mouth.
23052.put one's foot in one's mouth(失言をする)especially American English to say something without thinking carefully, so that you embarrass or upset someone
I put my foot in my mouth.
23053.cost an arm and a leg(たいへんな金がかかる)
That diamond ring cost an arm and a leg.
22054.plagiarize(盗む、剽窃(ひようせつ)する)to take words or ideas from another person’s work and use them in your work, without stating that they are not your own
He accused other scientists of plagiarizing his research.
23055.nauseous(むかつく、吐き気を催させるような、不快な)probably dishonest or illegal,protected from the sun or producing shade
I feel nauseous.

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