Love Story - Francis Lai (ある愛の詩)
24281.go on a diet (これからダイエットする )
I have/need to go on a diet!
24282.get over something/someone (立ち直る )
You guys broke up over a year ago. You need to get over him.
24283.move on(前に進む )
There's nothing we can do about it now. Let's forget about what happened and move on.
24284.introvert (内向的) someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people OPP extrovert
Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? ..
24285.bundle up(厚着する) to put warm clothes on someone or yourself because it is cold 類義語 wrap up
It's snowing today. Make sure you guys bundle up.
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