


2019年11月06日 | 爺英語
We're watching history in the making, as the main ceremony to mark the accession of Japan's new emperor has just taken place at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Emperor Naruhito took the throne in May, and today dignitaries of Japan and other countries are celebrating his enthronement.
As about 2,000 people looked on, the curtains of the imperial throne, called "Takamikura," were opened, revealing Emperor Naruhito in a traditional robe. Empress Masako was in a smaller structure known as "Michodai," wearing a ceremonial kimono.
And in a moment steeped in tradition, the emperor officially proclaimed his enthronement.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe then delivered a congratulatory address on behalf of the Japanese people. That was followed by three rounds of "banzai," a traditional Japanese exclamation wishing a long life.
A motorcade parade was planned for this afternoon, but the government postponed it by three weeks to focus on recovery efforts in areas affected by Typhoon Hagibis. 

accession 即位  
take the throne即位する  
dignitary  要人   someone who has an important official position 類義語 VIP 
looked on見つめる、傍観する  
imperial throne 玉座  
robe(長くゆったりした)衣服   a long loose piece of clothing, especially one worn for official ceremonies
be steeped in ... (~に深く染み込んだ  )  
proclaim  (正式に)宣言する     to say publicly or officially that something important is true or exists → proclamation 
congratulatory address 祝辞          
exclamation 叫び(声)   
motorcade  自動車行列 a line of official cars, including a car carrying an important person, that is travelling somewhere 

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/06)

2019年11月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
24291.lose one's temper(冷静さを失う )
I almost lost my temper.
24292.weep formal or literary to cry, especially because you feel very sad 
I heard someone weeping in the room next door.
24293.acorn the nut of the oak tree 
My son is busy collecting acorn
24294.credit (単位)   a successfully completed part of a course at a university or college 
How many credits do I need?.
24295.subsequently(その後) after an event in the past OPP previously
Police found the man inside the house and subsequently arrested him

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