

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/22)

2019年11月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
24371.glorious(見事な、素晴らしい)very beautiful or impressive 
The autumn leaves are absolutely glorious at the moment.
24372.rush into(大急ぎで~する)to get involved in something without taking enough time to think carefully about it
Now that I'm older and wiser, I never rush into decision.
24373.give ~the green light (〜を承認する / 〜に許可を与える)
We are hoping the headquarters will give us the green light.
24374.give the go-ahead (〜を許可する / 〜にゴーサインを出す )  
Upper management gave the go-ahead for the app development team to launch the project.
24375.give permission / approve (許可する / 承認する )  
I gave him permission to leave early today.
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