

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/07)

2019年11月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
24296.in private(内密に )without other people being present 
Can we talk in private?.
24297.creak(キーキー鳴る音、きしる音、きしみ )if something such as a door, wooden floor, old bed, or stair creaks, it makes a long high noise when someone opens it, walks on it, sits on it etc
The floor in my room creaks even when no one is walking on it
24298.flame(火炎 )hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire 
His words only added fuel to the flame.
24299.fraction(破片、分数)  a part of a whole number in mathematics, such as ½ or ¾ 
I How would you express 25% as a fraction?
to express in a shorter, clearer, or different way what someone has said or written → summarize  
CI can't understand what you said. Could you paraphrase that?

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