

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/03)

2021年05月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
26791.daunting(気が遠くなる)Something that is daunting makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.
While I recommend this masterpiece, I warn you that it is a daunting read
26792.to name but a few.(ニ、三例をあげると)
Cherries, strawberries and peaches are my favourite fruit to name but a few.
26793.a tad You can use a tad in expressions such as a tad big or a tad small when you mean that it is slightly too big or slightly too small.
Getting back to the opening line, don't you think it' a tad strange
26794.sun shower (天気雨)
This phenomenon is called a sun shower.
27795.Brit(イギリス人)a British person
We Brits are obsessed with the weather.