

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/23)

2021年05月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
26891.woodpecker(キツツキ)A woodpecker is a type of bird with a long sharp beak. Woodpeckers use their beaks to make holes in tree trunks.
There's a woodpecker on that cactus
26892.hummingbird(ハチドリ)A hummingbird is a small brightly coloured bird found in America, especially Central and South America. It has a long thin beak and powerful narrow wings that can move very fast.
We can feed hummingbird's at the zoo.
26893.scorpion(さそり)A scorpion is a small creature which looks like a large insect. Scorpions have a long curved tail, and some of them are poisonous.
That's not a spider. That's a scorpion.
26894.rattlesnake(ガラガラヘビ)A rattlesnake is a poisonous American snake which can make a rattling noise with its tail.
There are pink rattlesnakes in Arizona
26895.sanitize(消毒する)If you sanitize something, you clean it so that there are no germs or bacteria on it.
Let's see some animals. First, sanitize your hands, OK?