


2021年05月19日 | Daily Vocabulary

A Tokyo-based employment information firm says the coronavirus pandemic has led to more people in Japan looking for farming jobs.
Mynavi Corporation launched a job-hunting app in 2019 for those seeking work on the land.
The aim was to connect them with farmers and agricultural companies facing a labor shortage as rural populations decline.
The company says nearly 13,000 had signed up through the app as of the end of January. That's a roughly tenfold increase year-on-year.
Mynavi says people in their 20s and 30s accounted for half of those job hunters.
The firm cites the effects of the pandemic as reasons for the search. These include falling wages as well as greater scope in where to work as more companies encourage telecommuting.
And officials say it seems to be easier now for people who have other jobs that want to enter farming.
tenfold  10倍 equal to or having 10 times as many or as much
year-on-year  前年同期比で  

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/19)

2021年05月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
26871.morning sickness(つわり)If a pregnant woman has morning sickness, she feels sick or is sick, often in the morning.
My morning sickness was really bad in my first trimester. 
26872.a pain in the neck/but(めんどくさい)someone or something that is very annoying
Folding laundry is a pain in the butt
26873.It's (such) a hassle(手間がかかって面倒くさい)
Applying for a visa is such a hassle
26864.censorship(検閲)Censorship is the censoring of books, plays, films, or reports, especially by government officials, because they are considered immoral or secret in some way.
Are you for or against censorship
27875.narrow down(絞り込む)If you narrow down a range of things, you reduce the number of things included in it.
You should be more specific and narrow down your search.