26886.pop the question(プロポーズする)to propose marriage
I gave her a bouquet of red roes before I popped the question.
26887.bits and pieces(こまごましたもの)You can use bits and pieces or bits and bobs to refer to a collection of different things.
There are so many bits and pieces everywhere.
26888.fall out(仲たがい)If you fall out with someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly with them. You can also say that two people fall out.
Did you have a fall out?.
26889.split up(はぐれる)If a group of people split up or are split up, they go away in different directions.
Be careful not to split up.
26890.dehydrated(脱水症状状態)deprived of vital water or moisture
Be careful not to get dehydrated